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いいね! --/--






I stay at the hotel near Zurich central station. It is nine o'clock on
the 30th of January.

I came here in Swizerland yesterday. It is the first time to come here. I imagined that it would be very cold, but it is not so hard
this winter. I cannot see snows on the ground. I feel that last Saturday's Tokyo is colder than Switzerland.

You know that Swizterland is not a dangerlous city at all. I felt it's
right. But you had better speak Germany here in Zurich. I almost mistook to ride on the another train that I forgot the Germany word nicht (not). The signbord showed us "NICHT AUF ZURICH HB".

The other advice is that you get SF instead of Euro.

I went to Schweizerisches Landesmuseum yesterday. I was lucky because every 4th Sunday it is free. I came the museum at 4:30 pm., so I did not have the enough time to see it.

I wonder if I would know Switzerland's history. During the 13-15 centuries, there are some wooden sculptures. The themes are Krist's
death, same as with Italy's same era's pictures. But I felt Switzerland's technique to make small items is very superior, and peoples faces are different from Italian arts. Necks are long, and smiles are like rural people's.

Big change came in the 17th. French king brought a stylish culture.
Many picture showes us to the influence of the French essence. I thought some rifles and swords are very beautifles.

After that, Baloque style's watches. The best one is the watch named
"Life and Death". The sculpture sitting on the small round gold watch, flower painted. I imagine it would inspire some Japanese designers if they see it, because Japanese young designers, especially men's designers love sculps, death images. They maybe feel it's COOL.

Thus, now is the time to I have to go out. In fact, I e-mailed to Rakuten's mobile cite last night, but time over. My moble phone got many mails from Japan, I will try to mail again with i-mode outside.
See you again here in Zurich.


最終更新日  2006年01月30日 17時48分06秒
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 szen@ 閉鎖されるのですね お疲れ様でした。そして新しい場所でも頑…
 nakai@ お疲れ様でした。 この楽天のフォーマット、結構気に入って…

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