I watched "Ray" last night. It was very good as I expected. I started watching it around midnight and it ended after 2:30. Many of the great movies are very long.... I just watched "New Cinema Paradise" couple days ago, and it was so long, as well. However, they are worth watching.
I read three books today. I haven't finished any of them but I like to start reading some books at the same time and finish them almost the same time. In this way, I won't get tired of reading a long stories and can enjoy totally different subjescts at the same time. I've read Peter F. Drucker's Concept of the Corporation, Henry James's The Portrait of a Lady and Miyakawa Syouji's Foundation of Accounts. The Portrait of a Lady is for a class I'm taking now, but others are just for fun... Well, I don't usually read books about business for fun but I've noticed that it is very interesting knowing more about business.. After killed time by reading these books, I went to a dentist. FINALLY completed everything except pulling out a wisdomtooth. I'll go again to do that next month, maybe.... It's scary...... These are the books I'm reading right now お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう