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January 6, 2007

■Things to consider(考えてみよう)

Have you thought about joining a babysitting circle where parents sit for each other?Alternatively, ask around to see if you can hire a good babysitter. You can probably get out more as a couple now.

Your baby's final set of immunisations for DPT (diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus), polio and Hib, which protects against a form of meningitis are due this month.

If you have a spare moment, go through your CDs to find some great music to amuse your baby.

Think about writing a will. We know it sounds morbid, but you need to make sure your family is well cared for.

■When is the best time to start weaning?(離乳食はいつから始めるのが最適?)

Fiona Wilcock answers: フィオナ・ウィルコック栄養士の回答

The Department of Health recommends exclusive breastfeeding until your baby is six months old. After six months, breast milk alone doesn't provide your baby with enough nutrients, in particular iron, so other foods are needed.

Waiting until six months to introduce solid foods into your baby's diet will help minimise the risk of her developing adverse reactions to foods and allergies. This is particularly important if you have a family history of allergies, as the incidence of adverse food reactions, allergies and coeliac disease does decrease if you delay weaning until this time.

However, as a parent, you need to decide what's best for your baby. If you feel your baby needs to start solids before six months, do discuss it with your health visitor first. This is particularly important if your baby was born prematurely.

The Department of Health states that solid foods should not be introduced before the end of your baby's fourth month (20 weeks). If you do decide to wean your baby onto solids before six months, there are a number of foods that need to be avoided, such as those containing gluten, eggs, cheese, fish and shellfish. Read our article for more information. The triggers for starting weaning are that your baby still seems to be hungry after a good milk feed, (and you have already tried increasing milk feeds for a few days). She should be able to sit up when supported, and may try to pick up food and put it in her mouth. She will also want to chew and may even have a tooth or two.

Reviewed October 2006(2006年10月改訂)


最終更新日  January 6, 2007 10:13:58 PM

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