ここ「バギオ」にある英語学校がPINESだけだと 思ってしまう人がいたら自分は嫌なので 他の学校もあるということを書いておきます^^ バギオにある英語学校で自分が知っている所 1-BECI (韓国人経営-学校と住居は別(学校のすぐ近くのマンション2-3人部屋) 日本人学生いる。 町から30分ぐらいで、立地条件としては空気が綺麗なところ。 空気の綺麗なとこで勉強したい方にお勧め。確認) 2-PINES (韓国人経営-自分が通っている所。最近日本人が多くなりつつある。 町から10-20分。 日本人と絶対生活したくないという人はお勧めしない。 住居はホテル3人部屋。 学校が併設。ホテル内は空気がいいが、外は臭い。 罰金制度-外出禁止令があったりして日本人には勧めれない部分も多々あり。 食事の部分では、難あり。 ホテルなので生活が楽。 勉強時間は多い。カリキュラム重視の方にお勧め) 3-HELP (情報-未確認-PINESと同じ韓国スパルタ系学校。日本人はいない。 去年12月情報) (自分はここの経営者の知り合いの方に大変お世話になりました。 1-2ヶ月の学校の休みを利用して1:1の授業(又は生活)を存分に 味わいたい方にお勧め。でも、長期はお勧めしません) *2006年の夏ごろに閉鎖。 *韓国人経営者はバギオの大学と提携して2007-夏あたりから新しく学校をつくるとか。。。 (ネィティブの先生がいて、1:1が受けれる。去年の12月ごろは日本人が 2-3人いたらしい。設備・カリキュラムについてはいい噂は聞いたことが ありません。注意2006年7月-潰れてしまったらしい) 6-番外編 フィリピン人の英語の先生を見つける。 1時間の相場-100-150ペソ。(200円ー400円ぐらい) 以上^^ フィリピンに留学しにくる人すべてに言えることは 割引制度があっても、最初の登録は2-3ヶ月にすること。 長期でのお金は払わない事! ^^ *********************** English Academies in Baguio *********************** Now I stay in Baguio and I study English inPINES. I don't like that if people read this blog, they'll think "PINES" is the only English Academy in Baguio. So I would like to introduce other academies from which students can choose. 1-BECI (Managed by Korean-The school building and the accomodation building are separated.There are few Japanese students studying there. It is located in GreenValley and it takes 30 minutes from town.The place has fresh air and it's not noisy.) 2-PINES (Managed by Korean-The school building and the accomodation building is the same. .There are about 20 Japanese students studying there. It is located in CoyeesanHotel and it takes 10-20 minutes from town.I don't recommend that you study English with Japanese.You live with three students in one room. The air inside the hotel is good but outside air is not. There are some fine systems. I can't recommend this point. The meal is bad because it's all korean foods and it's spicy. (There is no Japanese food.) Staying in the hotel is the only good news in this academy.They have curfew time. 3-HELP (Managed by Korean-This is also spartan academy. There is no Japanese. TOEIC is the emphasis of their curriculum not speaking... It is located in UPPER General luna and it takes 5-10 minutes from town.) (Managed by Korean-They accept 15 or less students because if they have many students, students become lazy and speak native language. The owner doesn't like this situation. I recommend that you join there for 1-2 months only. Because there are few students. So if you stay for a long time maybe you'll get bored because there is no variation.) 5-CNS (Managed by Korean-They have the most strict rules.I guess Japanese can't adapt in this school.Besides, they have curfew time. www.cnsphil.com) 6-MONOL (Managed by Korean-It's similar with PINES) 7-IMEC (Managed by Korean-It is located along Marcos Highway) 8-Shalom (Managed by Korean-I heard this school is new.It is located in Quisumbing street, Trancoville) 9-PEI (Pines English Institute) (Managed by Korean-It is located in Outlook drive) 10-You stay outside and you hire private tutors. I always say this thing,"You shouldn't pay for a long term fee in an English Academy. For the first time, you pay 2-3 months fee and if you like that academy and then you can pay again... お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
[PINES school(Good and Bad)] カテゴリの最新記事