PINESの先生の質の低下! 先週までは、1日6時間授業をとっていたが 今日から1時間授業を減らす事にした。 なぜなら、ここPINES「スパルタ教育」ゆえに 日本人には(俺だけか???))考えられないことをされたので 我慢ならず、1:3の授業を1コマ授業を受けないことにした。 最初の2週間の間に、3回ほど授業に5分ほど遅れて行ったが、 1回目 「遅れたので、罰としてお菓子をかってこいー」と先生が言う。 もちろん冗談だと思って何もなく終わった。 もちろんあほらしいので、申し出を拒否る。 2回目 -教室のドアをロックされる- 冗談だと思っていたが、この先生はやっていい事と悪い事の区別が つかないらしい。また、 「遅れたのでハンバーガー買ってきてー」 この先生、頭がおかしいと感じる今日この頃。 3回目 -再び教室のドアをロックされる- 5分後に解除。その後、 「遅れたのでハンバーガー?それとも何の罰がいい?」 「アイスクリーム買ってきてー」 軽くきれてみました。 日本語的には 「おまえ、先生だろ!冗談でも俺にそんな事をいうな!」 「ここの中級コースでは、本当に罰金制度があってお金を とられるのにこれ以上ストレスを与えるな!」 みたいな感じかな。 この先生は教え方も「中の少し下」ぐらいの感じだったので 中級コースのBOSSに言って、授業参加を拒否をしました。 なんでも、「罰金制度・刑罰制度」にしてしまう このPINESの制度・先生の考え方はどーかと思うこの頃。 たぶん、フィリピンにある 「韓国人経営の語学学校」は全部こんな感じなんでしょう。 彼らは「義務教育の延長的」な勉強方法が「絶対!」 なんでしょうね。 ************************:: The change of studying style ************************:: The decline in the quality of PINES' teacher! I'd had six classes in a day till last week but I reduced one class from today because this PINES put their students a couse of spartan system, therefore I had received things which Japanese can't understand and I couldn't endure it. Finally, I dropped one group class. I was five minutes late to attend this class for three times. First time, My teacher said, "You're late, so you buy some snack as a penalty." Of course I thought that this was her joke.Nothing happend that day because I refused her request. Second time, -The class room's door was locked by her.- Before I thought her behavior was a joke but she couldn't understand the distinction between moral and immoral things. She said," Buy some hamburgers because you're late." Then, I thought she was insane. Third time, -She locked the door again.- After five minutes she opened it.and then... "You're late, hamburger? or what kind of penalty do you want to do?" "Buy some ice creams!" Suddenly, My emotion bursted out.I was so angry because of what she did, so I said to her, "Are you a teacher? You can't say such jokes to your students!" "In reality, we must pay a certain amount as a penalty in this course. You're giving me an additional stress.!" From that time on, I ignored to attend her class and then I reported this matter to our bridging course leader. Basing from her behavior, I concluded that her teaching strategies are below average. Perhaps, the English Academies managed by korean people are all like this. I think their educational system is "absolutely" a duty.There is no freedom the part of the students.In my own point of view, duty should only be applicable to elementary and high school students and not to Academies where University students are. That's it! ************************************ ************************************ +++++++++++++++++++++ The Filipino students' penalty before,.,.,. *What generation was corporal punishment applied to? -Corporal punishment was applied in the 1980's generation. *Until what age does corporal punishment applicable? -15 years old and above. *Is corporal punishment allowed in the Philippines now? -No お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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