今日は、PINES(フィリピン-バギオ)を卒業した! でもー。。。 ちょっと問題があるんだな。これが。。。 10分ぐらいだけど卒業式にも参加した。 そうそう、中級コースの勉強場所が変更するらしい。 下のほうに建設中の風景をUPしときます。 あと、経営という部分ではPINESは嫌い。しばしば難有りの所です。 でも、普通のスタッフの方、フィリピン人先生、 なんと言っても韓国人のルームメートに感謝感謝。 ありがとうございますo^^o 明日から新しい生活が始まります^^ Today I graduated from PINES. Well-,, but..... Unfortunately I can't have a good image about this school. I wanted to graduate from here not to have any problem... I had a trouble about one thing(I can't write this.) to the end. And the manager of PINES didn't explain why they can't apply it to the immigration. Only one staff explained it to me. I couldn't understand this policy. I told the manager of PINES about it. Because I wanted to listen to his explanation. ... After that, I think I realize my situation. But now I have to open a Bank account... I get tired of opening it... Anyway, I've attended the graduation ceremony for 10 minutes. ( I went there when it was almost finished. ) Then I saw one Korean who came here the same period. I was so pleased that I saw him again. This was the happiest that day. And this picture is when bridging course was transferred down stairs. Dear roommates Mr.Herman Mr.Kevin Mr.Kei Mr.Iru Mr.Bill Mr.Shin Hello,my friends. I think you are my best roommates. Thank you for your kindness while we were roommates. I'm looking forward to seeing you again soon.^^ These pictures are for you..... Do you miss here??? お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
[PINES school(Good and Bad)] カテゴリの最新記事