-This is in my world due to studying. -If you want to study English with me, let's see these expression together. ***American drama "NUMB3RS "season1-13*** ***1-5*** n.........配送係, n不慮の死、宿命性(ー said something about a ー) adj......共同作業のn係数、率(That's drag ー?) n,adj....synonym-refugee(coming to us courtesy of ー recovery) n.........優遇、黙認(表敬訪問 a ー visit) n..........同一視、方程式 (Why have these elementary ーs so captured your imagination.) ***6-10*** n.........広大さ、莫大なこと(But given the ー of the cosmos) n.........特権、特典(He used all his phone ーs calling her) v,n......制限する、限定する (The movements become ーd to this area right here) sv.......-を殺す(a multiple drug ーing), n速度initial ー n.........愛情(I use it strictly as a term of ー) ****************** ***11-15*** v.........実行する、執行する(ー a will) v,n......会員にする、提携する(The college is ー with the university) v,n......有罪を判決する(ー the accused of murder) v........ーをとりこにする (It was a question that had ー him since he was a boy) adv,pr..-のそばに、平行して(walk ー of the river) ***16-20*** n........量、特定量、量子(ー mechanics) n,v.....作戦行動をとらせる、(巧みに)操作する (ー a car into the narrow space) v.........向きを変える(ー away to the left) n........種まき機seed ー, nトルク, v,nーの邪魔をする、阻止する, n........相反、不一致, n放火(felony),nばか、まねけ(idiot) ***21-25*** n........連続(the ー of even numbers) v.........議論する(ー the future of the world) n........専門知識(scientific ー) n........監視、見張り(keep him under ー) n,v.....捕虜宣誓、仮出所(break one's ー) ***26-30*** v........ーをろ過する、浸透する(water had ー down) adj.....架空の、うその(under a ー name) adj.....同心の(ー circles) v........大またに歩く、そっと忍び寄る(The lion was ーing a zebra) n........(station), n(lawer), v-から情報を聞き出す, n例外、不合理 ***31-35*** n,v......束縛、足かせ(throw off the ーs of convention) v........和解させる(I made efforts to ー him with his wife) v.........紛らす(ー one's mind from one's worries) v.........動き回る、さぐる (He ー about on the floor looking for the money she dropped) n.........司令官(an air ー) ***35-38*** v,n......飛び掛る(The owl ーed down on its prey) adj......悪い、不正な(ー people) v........-をしぶしぶ認める/許す、与える(He ー that he was wrong) お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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