久しぶりの旅行! 旅行です!引きこもりーなこの頃でしたが、フィリピン-ルソン島の北部 「バナウェ」「キアンガン」「サガダ(2回目)」へ行ってきました。 出発は、木曜の夜9時。公園にあるバスステーションから朝5時到着予定の 「OHAYAMI」バスに乗って「バナウエ-ライステラス」へgoです。 ちなみに、バス代は335ペソか355ペソか365ペソ。謎なんです。 自分のレシートには365にマークがしてあるし、 前日に聞いた値段は355. 徴収された金額は335ペソ。謎謎。 どれが正規料金なんでしょう??? バギオのバス停には夜8時15分ぐらいについたのかな。 結構、満員に近い感じ。 今回メンバーが6人だったので、 皆一番人気がない最後列にすわっちゃって、。。。 足が動かせなくて大変だったらしい。 予約ができるみたいなんで、出発当日の早めに席を予約して おいた方がいいですね。。。 じゃないと、寝れないかも。。。 感想。とにかく足が痛かった。 (自分だけ前列に座ったけど、前輪タイヤの上だったので痛かったのだ^^) First day-Going to Banaue(Philippines) I heven't been for a trip for a long time but I'd had a perfect trip! Recently, I got used to be secluded from outdoor due to rainy season. But I've been to "Banaue",Kiangan" and "Sagada". The departure time was nine at night. We've been to"Banaue Rice-Terraces" and traveled by Ohayami bus which was near Burnham park in Baguio.According to schedule, we arrive about five in the morning. When I checked the bus fare in advance, it was P355(student-P275) but it came out P335 and I paid it. Well, this was mysterious... My receipt was marked as P365. When I heard the price, it was p355. I was collected P335 for the bus fare. Which is the regular fare??? ...I know this is the Philippines .I had one more story about a charge... I'll tell you next day...^^ I arrived at the bus station going to Banaue at 8:15. At that time, the bus was almost full. Everyone(except me) sat at the backseat which wasn't popular. They'd been tired of sitting there because they couldn't move their legs easily. If you plan to go to Banaue, I recommend that you book a bus..otherwise you won't sleep while you take it.... お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
Sep 28, 2006 06:15:45 PM
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