フィリピンの出国前、クラーク空港にて初めて自分のした失態について気づきました。 AIRASIAのe-ticketがキャンセルされてた(_△_;) どうやら目が節穴?だったみたい チケットに大きく「PENDING」と書いてあったけど特に気にせず。。。 これって、会社に確認の電話いれないと行けないんですよね。たぶん。 しかも、現金で払えって酷な事をいう。 今からマレーシアに行くのに大金を持ってるはずもなく、 クラークの敷地内をATMからお金下すため、駈けずり周りました。 まま、こんな感じでした。 *My experience in Clark Airport.* I went to Malaysia today. At first, I had a plan to go to Australia but I changed my plan because my friend said, "If you take Air Asia's airplane, you might save your money.Sometimes they have a promo.It's so cheap!" When I checked Air Asia, exactly they had a seat going from Clark(Philippines) to Malaysia for a cheaper price. So I decided to go on a trip for the last time^^ Anyway,I had undergone a severe security check in front of the main door of Clark Airport. After that, I tried to check in immediately, but I wasn't able to do it because I had to line up and wait for my turn for 30minutes. Why? ... My booking was cancelled by airasia. The staff showed me the status of mine using her computer.It was like this. ****************** Payment via Credit Card Form of payment Mastercard Payment Status DECLINE Card holder: LU** *** Card number: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX3 Payment amount 0.00 PHP ***************** I thought, "What is "Decline"?" ,.,.,. I was so foolish. When I got my reservation, I didn't pay attention about the"Payment Status".It was like this. ****************** Payment via Credit Card Form of payment Mastercard Payment Status PENDING Card holder: LU** *** Card number: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX3 Payment amount 0.00 PHP ***************** It said,"PENDING". I thought I had finished booking and paid the airplane fee but I realized it was not complete... When I got the booking number, I did see only the number. I might have been blinded at that time because I didn't notice the status was "PENDING". So I had to confirm my booking but I didn't. The staff said, "If you pay in cash now, you can check in." I thought, "cash?". I didn't have enough cash.I only had 10,000yen exchanged intoPESO which is approximately PHP4,000 There was no other way of having enough cash than to go outside and get money from the ATM. So I decided to take a taxi. I went around three ATMs but they were out of order... And for the fourth time, I finally got money and returned to the airport. (I paid a taxi fee of P150.) When I went to a ticket booth, there were no people. Pardon? I thought, "What happened to Airasia? It's not yet closing time! It is yet 40minutes before the depature time!" .... I managed to find the staff of airasia and paid the fee,.,. When I checked airasia's homepage later, they said they close their reception 45min before the depature time... I was in time for the depature . I was excited to fix my seat while I was looking for the ATM. This is one more happening. When my companion passed the immigration in the Philippines, she couldn't have ECC but she paid ECC fee. The officer required her to pay P1400 fine.She rejected to pay it and dicussed about it for a while. What do you think of this situation? According to her, when she applied for her ECC, she prepared two pictures for it. And she also asked about fingerprints, but the staff said, "It's not needed." Actually, she needed it when she went out. My conclusion is, This is the Philippines. Occasionally, the government officers don't do their work well. If Filipinos think "This is normal" , this society doesn't give proper attention for the foreigners' concerns. You must recognize it.... *** When I took on the airplane, they did't prepare any free drink. I forgot this was the cheap airline company. Actually, they sold "Drinks and food"inside.You can buy them. You can also take any drink inside the airplane. They didn't check water bottle unlike in Osaka ITAMI airport in Japan.^^ てな感じで、よくe-ticketを確認しなきゃと思った今日この頃。 また、エアーアジアは格安ってのを忘れてたのとセキュリティーの観点から水を飛行機内に持って行かなかったら、noSERVICEで、飲み物機内で売ってるし。。。 あと、水-ジュースもすべて持ち込み可能だし。。。 うーん、出だしよくなかったです。 This was my fare to go from Clark(Philippine) to LCCT,KL(Malaysia)^^(Returen) ********** Total for 1 Guests Fare price 2,238.00 PHP Taxes 3,289.00 PHP Total price 5,527.00 PHP (about13,000yen) ********** ↑安いときは(宣伝してるとき)、余裕で10000円以下でチケットが買えるらしいですよ^^ *Reference of a cheap airline company* 参考:この3社は、このフィリピンあたりでは有名^^ AirAsia(Malaysia)http://www.airasia.com JesterAirways(Australia) http://www.jetstar.com http://www.jetstar.com/home/3.html (Japanese) TigerAirways(Singapore) http://www.tigerairways.com/home/ お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
Nov 22, 2006 06:16:35 PM
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