フィリピン・バギオからクラーク空港経由でクアラルンプール(KL)のLCCT入りしました。 ここ、格安航空会社専用ターミナル(LCCT=Low-Cost Carrier Terminal)。 普通に日本から乗り入れるKLの国際空港(KLIA=Kuala Lumpur International Airport)とは違う。 マレーシアにいる友達に言われなかったら気がつかなかったとこかも。 マニラ(近く)にクラーク国際空港があるように、マレーシアにもあるのか。と感じた今日この頃。 ちなみにマレーシアに来て最初の食事はここ↓に書いたように「マクド」でした^^ I think it took me 3 hours from Clark Airport to Malaysia. I arrived in LCCT,KL,Malaysia. LCCT is not the main airport because its represents "Low-Cost Carrier Terminal". Hahaha, the name itself tells us the airport's position^^ Anyway, when I was in the Airport, I felt something different. Mumumu.... Well, I'm not familiar with Hindus and Muslims. Actually, there are many Hindus there. Now, I live in Baguio.I can meet Filipinos, Koreans and Japanese but only few people wear cloths on their heads. So at that time, I felt I was no longer in the Philippines. When I arrived in LCCT, I exchanged PHP for RM(Malaysia Ringgit) and withdrew RM from the ATM...At that time, About 1RM was equal to 33YEN. I had about RM500. Well..., At first, I wasn't aware of the values of the money. I thought if I go to McDonald's, I'll understand the standard of money value in Malaysia. So I went there and bought the hamburger value meal.It was RM11(360yen)...I supposed It was a bit expensive If it is in the Philippines(especially Baguio), I think McDonald's menu is also so expensive when I think about the normal Filipino's life style.The value meal is aboutP120(290yen) and the Filipino's normal dinner is about P80(190yen). In Japan's case, one dinner is about800-1000yen.McDonald's value meal is about 600yen.I think it's cheaper.. Which is the standard price? I'm not sure... Anyway, my trip started with eating McDonald's hamburger..... LCCTからKL-セントラル駅までは、RM9(約300円)で約1時間半。 なにが新鮮だって言うと、「ここは日本?」と思わせるような綺麗な高速道路。 ままっ、周りに見える森林が「木」より「やしの木?」が多かったりしてここは違うね^^ でも、雰囲気を感じれて観光客にはGoodな感じです。 KLの駅の拠点KL-セントラルは結構広く、ここで友達と待ち合わせ。 この日は、友達の知り合いの方に泊めさせてもらいました^^ その時の皆さんのpowerがすごい事。 自分とは違う世界にいるなと思いながらも途中で撤退し就寝。 今日はここにて終了です。 お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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