カテゴリ:バギオBaguio&live here
昨日と今日もんのすごく綺麗だったんです。 思わず「写真とろっ!」ってトライすること5分。 綺麗に撮れなかった。 でもって、レンズを2秒ぐらい開けっ放しにするモードでバギオ中心部と月を撮りました。 この写真で「SM」「大聖堂」「ベニスホテル&マクドナルド」の位置がわかったあなたは、かなりバギオ通です。^^ (バギオを実際ものすごーーーーく暗いです。下の写真の明るさの3分の1ぐらいの明るさです) あと、ホントにバギオの町って山の斜面-頂上に家があって面白いとこだとこの写真を見て思いました。皆さんどう思います? (PICTURE1) *マーケット* マーケットに行きびっくり。 どこから情報へ仕入れたのか、皆警察が来るのを察知している! 違法商人など隅っこに隠れているし、道が広くなっているし。。。 警察が車でマーケットの通りを車で巡回するのってものすごくまれ。 これも、もうすぐバギオの市長選があるから?よくわからないけどね。。 いつも、警察の車がこうやって巡回すれば買い物も安全にできるからいいのにと切に思います^^ (picture2) *今日だけか?白線内に商人が納まっている!普段は道の真ん中近くまで来て売ってます。 *フルーツ*(下の写真) フルーツが安くなったんです! 思わずいっぱい買ってしまいました。 メロンP30(70円)です。でも、味が薄かった。 まっ、雰囲気だけでもね。。。 おもわずP5(12円)のパイナップルも買ってしまったし、焼き芋があったのでP10で買ってみた。失敗!あんまり甘くないし。。。 マンゴはホント最近安くなった^^嬉しいかぎり。マンゴについては英文で^^ *郵便局* 帰国の準備として、荷物を郵便局から送りました。 14kgで7200円。 国際郵便はフィリピン価格じゃないよね。 高すぎます。。。 まさか、郵便局員にぼられた!ってことはないよね。一応レシートもらったし。 でも、ここにきて、いたーーい出費です。^^ *Moon* Yesterday and tonight, the moon was so beautiful so I took a picture. But it was difficult to do it.After I changed the camera's mode, I took it.(See picture1) I like this scenery because there are densed houses on top and at the edge of the mountain. When I go back to my hometown, I won't see this scenery.So This is another reason why I need to take the pictures^^. Actually, when I took these pictures, it was dark.But they look bright on the picture because I had the camera's lens opened in 2 seconds. In reality, Baguio's night scenery isn't so bright like Tokyo. Don't get me wrong! *The public market in Baguio* I usually go to the public market. Today, I went there. There were a lot of people.I thought there must be a lot of robbers.But I didn't meet any of them because there were a lot of police men too. When police men come, robbers hide and an illegal ventors hide too.I was so surprised that the road in the public market was wide,I mean there was enough space for a taxi & a jeepney to pass by .(see picture2) You saw it?The vendors are supposed to stay inside a white line. At that time, one police man talked to me and gave me a warning about securing my valuables from robbery. I was a bit surprised and I said ,"Thank you!". Today, the police men worked well so robbery was affected. It's just good^^. *Fruits* It's not rainy season. During this time, there are a variety of vegitables.I like this season. When it was rainy season, the worth of mangoes is expensive. So I didn't buy.But now it's cheap.So I bought some. Please see "Picture3". There are two mangos. The mango at the right has some spots due to its ripeness. So I bought it at P35/kg. I think people who want to buy mangoes don't choose to buy such mangoes but I tell you my secret. If you blend milk and some mengoes,it's delicious in spite of the spots. When you live in Southeast Asia, you tri it. You will be satisfied with it.^^ *post office* I'm going back to Japan within the month. As I stayed longer in Baguio, my stuffs were increasing, especially books. I'll throw some text books away but I needed to sent the other books fhrough the post office to my house in Japan. The weight was about 14kg. At that moment, I felt I was in trouble...And... The post fee caught one blow on me. You know, it cost me around P3,000. I was startled . After I got over the shock, I converted it to Japanese yen. The result was about 7200yen. That's equivalent to a one way ticket to malaysia..;; I hope this is my last but experience in the Philippines..^^ 最後に! バギオ-マーケットの写真達。 お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
Dec 8, 2006 09:27:50 PM
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