I just want you to be happy。。。
I just want you to be happyI might not be the one to make you thoughIt hurts so much to see you downI just want you to feel betterI just want you to be happyI might not be the right one,who knowsIt hurts so much to see you decayI just want you to find the way outI just want you to be happy You might not feel like talking to meBut it hurts so much to hear the silenceI'd rather hear you scream from your soul I just want you to beI just want you to feelI just want you to be I just want you to be happy BONNIE PINK 「Even So」収録曲:I just want you to be happy ヨリ ・・・ ・・・ ・・・ ・・・ ・・・ ・・・この曲は何度も何度も繰り返し聴きました。あえて日本語訳は載せません。ちょっとつらい思い出があるから。とても切ない歌。この曲をず~っと聴いていた時期がありました☆。i just want you to be happy.そして周りのすべての人達にも「I want you to be happy」と、想い、願います☆ちょっと思い出に浸って切ない気持ちになってしまった今日この頃でした~(´▽`)☆