snap out of it (意志の力で)〈ある気分・習慣・病気〉からさっさと抜け出す, さらりと忘れて立ち直る
snap out of it((~から)素早く抜け出す,早く立ち直る,すぐに元気になる)というイディオムが、「Pillars」で出て来て、PDICに登録しようとしたら、すでにデス妻で登録済みでした。すっかり忘れてた。。。Philip told her to snap out of it, and Alfred brought her the wood and assigned some of his men to help her. この時から、もう何年も経ってしまいました.....デス妻で出て来たのは、Season1のエピソード20。 Gabrielle: "Yes, yes, I know. My husband and I went through a downsizing phase, but we've snapped out of it. Life is good. Oh, and this would make it so much better."ちょっと倹約モードで暮らしてたから。でも,やっと脱出出来て,今は上り調子。これ,再出発にはピッタリって感じ。 調べたら、「Heroes」でも出て来てました。#101NATHAN: You need to snap out of it, Peter. See a doctor. Get some drugs. Do not pull a Roger Clinton on me, man. I'm eight points down in the polls.PETER: This isn't about you, all right? Something is happening to me. And I have this feeling that you're the only person who's gonna understands this.E-DICの例文¶I've been in a depressed mood all day. I can't seem to snap out of it.(一日中,気が滅入っている。どういうわけか,この気分からなかなか抜け出せないでいる)¶"I wonder what's wrong with Mary?" "I don't know. Just leave her alone. She'll snap out of it."(「メアリーはどうかしたのかい?」「さあねえ。でも放っておけよ。すぐに元気になるさ」)¶I've got to snap out of this lethargy and get to work.(この無気力な状態から早く立ち直って仕事にかからなきゃ)