MET ホバンシチナ お楽しみがいっぱい
MET ホバンシチナ お楽しみがいっぱい今週の土曜日のMET ホバンシチナ のラジオ放送の中でビッグゲストが登場します。アンナ・ネトレプコ、ピオトル・ベチャワ(ピーター)、マリウシュ・クヴィエチェン。METで公演中の「愛の妙薬」ともうすぐ登場する「マノン」の出演者です。ホバンシチナ もオールロシアン&東欧キャストですごい!アブドラザコフとボロディナの夫婦共演も再び!***Intermission 1Margaret Juntwait interviews Bass-Baritone Ildar AbdrazakovMargaret Juntwiat interviews Maestro Gianandrea Noseda about MacbethIntermission 2Toll Brothers-Metropolitan Opera Singers' Round Table Panelists: Anna Netrebko, Mariusz Kwiecien, and Piotr Beczala Moderator: Brian Zeger, Executive Director of the Met's Lindemann Young Artist Program聞きました。めっちゃおもしろかったです。ロシア人1人とポーランド人2人。アンナは天然におもしろく、マリウシュはおしゃべりさんの本領発揮でめっちゃ笑わせる。ピョートルは2人におされ気味ながらも苦手な英語をちゃんと努力してしゃべっていました。ピョートルはドイツ語はぺらぺらなんですよ。お客さんも入っていて漫才のようなトークに笑いまくり。***Brian: ヨーロッパとアメリカの歌手教育システムの違いは?アンナ:いきなりそんな質問?Anna: very smart question from the beginning! (Audience laugh)Brian: Mariusz: It is different I have to say-Brian: Mariusz.Mariusz: Mariusz, Mariusz. Yes. Thank you. You are very welcome.(Audience laugh)マリウシュ:アメリカのヤングアーティストプログラムについて。Mariusz: I was the member of young artist programme. heading a wall German Italian , my English was poor, I thought it's enough to have a nice voice to make a good career, I had 2 teachers previously in Poland, both of them was not very good obviousuly (Audience laugh), whole education system not like in Poland, , Anna: I would not agree, I would say training in the concervatoire St. Petersburg was quite strong. lots of things to do before ready on stage,アンナ:ロシアは違うわ。すごい徹底的な教育よ。でもMETのサンフランシスコでの教育も良かった。それぞれ意味があったわ。司会:ピョートルはどうなの?Pyotr: I would agree Mariusz a little bit. ピヨトル: ballet, it's in my body already in the school.Brian : agree Live in HD transmission , do you find it the same?ライブインHDについてAnna: well, Everybody hate HD before. (Audience laugh)Ok I can deal with it. of course you are more nervous, more concentrated, sometimes not brilliant because you have to check so many things, I mean losing the spontanity in my opinion sometimes.アンナ:ナーバスになるわよMariusz: Only problem in my cases, when we have rehearsal premiere performance before HD, they always ask us to "OK, move a little bit left, and then - because we have to see you in our cameras", coming on the stage I nervous and then I have to remember the wrong step so I just coming one step down, and then I see the camera completely in the wrong direction.(Audience laugh)マリウシュ:カメラによる立ち位置の指示がすごいんで、そこに一歩踏み出すじゃない?気を使って。そしたらカメラはあっち向いてるんだよ(笑)What I'm doing here? besides this, more or less besides my performance.(Audience laugh)Brian: How about you Piotr?Piotr: I try to make normal performance. just once, it was accidentally, "Lucia di Lammermoor". But I had couple of live recording on stage, not HD Live, it's a big difference, point is you have to think, like Mariusz said, which camera take me but another thing, you think for the microphone. different projection of the voice , it's my problem. I was singin out, sometimes.Mariusz : Microphone on the floor.Piotr: sometimes you have to wear microphome codes , when we go somewhere another scene, you have to, it's disturbing me, to be honest.Mariusz: Now I know why you are so well on the stage. (Audience laugh) I got nothing!Piotr: Ah, you got me.Mariusz: They gave me 2 microphones on the floor, that's it(Audience laugh).Piotr: Because you are baritone. (Audience laugh)Brian: That's right. -- wants to know - any special pre performance usual? get ready for performance, maybe audience find surprising, are the different from matinee from evening? are different from repertoire?Mariusz: oh I think soprano and tenor will be leading, (Audience laugh)Brian: OK.Anna: sorry to disappoint, absolutely nothing.Brian: Nothing? it's just a normal day for you? you eat the same and sleep the same andAnna: I'm healthy and eat - NO! probably meat or fish without anything garlic and onion, Piotr: Thank you!Anna: and of course no alcohol. Everything else is very normal.Brian: How about you, Piotr?Piotr: Yeah, it is not the special day, I have differently evening performance afternoon performance, you have to take a really breakfast a day夜公演だと朝ごはんを11時とかに食べるけど、マチネだと本当に朝ごはんの時間に朝ごはんを食べるんだよ。Piotr: Evening performance is normality for me. no more lunch, some pasta. not really usual little - use a little I don't know, in the morning just one egg, drinking juice, apple juice, Anna: You had a little Teddy Bear when you are -アンナ:5歳の頃から持っているクマちゃんとか。Brian : good lucky charm?ブライアン:幸運のお守り?Mariusz: I don't know how you say in English.Piotr: It's disgusting. ピヨトル:「胸糞悪い」だよ。Mariusz: Uh-,(酒のこと?)Piotr: Please don't discribe it.(Audience laugh)ピョトル:言うなよ(客笑)Mariusz: When I drank it, I had problem with my stomach. but not - my singing. I try not to speak because when I speak too much, I like to speak, (Audience laugh) so, I speak too much my voice loses shine. that's what I don't want.マリウシュ:僕は前の日はしゃべらないようにしているよ。しゃべるとライブで声に輝きが失われるんだ。僕はしゃべるのが大好きなのに(客笑う)。Brian: so you have a discipline to stay out of conversation?Mariusz: No, by now yes, it's normal for me. I just try to be quietter. I'm not exaggerating. just quietter, no alcohol like AnnaBrian: you don't shakin hands before go ?M: noBrian: you keep normal life. ok very goodAnna: you know my normal life is singing every day, day after day reduce my life nothing, I have to live!Mariusz: There's nothing instead of life.continued to Part2 へ続く。 *********************************METMussorgsky's KhovanshchinaSaturday, March 17, 2012, 12:00 pm - 4:10 pm 現地時間 Conductor: Kirill PetrenkoThe Production TeamProduction: August Everding Set Designer: Ming Cho Lee Costume Designer: John Conklin Lighting Designer: Gil Wechsler Choreographer: Benjamin MillepiedCastPrincipe Ivan Kovanskij: Anatoli KotschergaPrincipe Andrej Kovanskij: Misha Didyk Principe Vassilij Golitsin: Vladimir Galouzine Dosifei: Ildar Abdrazakov Marfa: Olga Borodina Shaklovity: George GagnidzeSusanna Maria GavrilovaLo scrivano John EasterlinEmma Wendy Bryn HarmerVarsonofyev David CrawfordKuzka Mark SchowalterStreshnev Michael Todd Simpson1° Strielzo Paul Corona2° Strielzo Jeffrey WellsConfidente di Golitsyn Jeffrey Mosher *************************************ManonMonday, March 26, 2012, 7:30 pm - 11:10 pm 現地時間 Conductor: Fabio Luisi Manon: Anna Netrebko des Grieux: Piotr Beczala Lescaut: Paulo Szot Comte des Grieux: David Pittsinger The Production TeamProduction: Laurent Pelly Set Designer: Chantal Thomas Costume Designer: Laurent Pelly Lighting Designer: Jo?l Adam Choreographer: Lionel Hoche Dramaturg: Agathe M?linand