《グルメの旅》早春の南淡路へ春に誘われて〈旬〉と〈趣向〉を極める風流の一時を・・・。 春は花見の季節、咲き誇る桜の下で、思い思いの趣向をこらす。〈遊び心〉を食膳に。さっ、まずは一献、器に咲く春を楽しむべく、我々《グルメの旅》の面々は南淡路へと食の旅にやってきました。瀬戸内海の新鮮な海の幸、淡路の旬...。クオリティの高い味と多彩な味覚を楽んで来ました。又、明日からのエネルギーの糧とし、早春の一時を十分に充実して楽しんで参りました。To the Minami Awaji of <The gourme no tabi> early spring`In season` and`Idea` are studied thoroughly. One o`clock of elegance.The idea of the desire desire is made under cherry blossoms in full bloom seasonal of enjoying seeing cherry blossom in spring.`Play mind` to the table .To guess, and to enjoy the spring that blooms first in one and the container.The every one we of <The gourme no tabi> came to the travel of the Minami Awaji and food. Fresh seafood of the Inland Sea In season in Awaji Easiness came a taste variegated with the taste with a high quality. Moreover, Provisions of energy from tomorrow It enjoyed enhancing it enough and it came at one o`clock of the early spring. How though the study of English was announced for a moment? (Text by TAKA)