スカパー! e2 無料放送 「秘境駅へ行こう!」&「川島令三の全国特急案内」
17~19日までスカパー! e2が無料放送だということで、普段見られないこれらのチャンネルを見てみた。18日に見たのは、旅チャンネルの「秘境駅へ行こう!」と「川島令三の全国特急案内」。「秘境駅へ行こう!」はその名の通り、全国にある秘境駅を紹介する番組。今回は肥薩線の真幸駅とのと鉄道の白丸駅(2005(平成17)年廃止)の2駅。僕は真幸駅が見たくてこの番組を見た。真幸はスイッチバック駅として、また「幸せの鐘」がホームにあることでで有名な肥薩線唯一の宮崎県にある駅。人吉駅から「いさぶろう・しんぺい」号で「日本三大車窓」の1つである矢岳峠を過ぎて最初に停まる駅がこの真幸。「真幸」という駅名から入場券を記念に買っていくファンも多い。僕も来年、新幹線「さくら」が走り始めたら、九州へJR九州自慢の列車たちや肥薩線・吉都線の木造駅舎(大畑・矢岳・真幸・大隅横川・嘉例川・えびの)を見に行きたい。「川島令三の全国特急案内」は鉄道アナリストの川島令三先生がJR化後に登場した新しい特急列車を紹介する番組で、今回は大阪~富山を結ぶ「サンダーバード」。高規格路線である湖西線を130km/hで飛ばすところが見ものだという。さらに川島先生は「改良すれば160km運転も実現不可能ではない」と言っていた。From 17th to 19th, free broadcast service days of SKY PerfecTV! e2, I watched the programs on this service that I couldn't regularly.On 18th, the 2 programs I watched were "Hikyou-eki e Ikou! (Let's go to the stations in rarely visited regions)" and "Kawashima Ryozo no Zenkoku Tokkyu Annai (Ryozo Kawashima's limited express guide)" on Travel Channel."Hikyo-eki he Ikou!" featured Masaki on Hisatsu Line in Miyazaki Prefecture and Shiromaru on Noto Railway in Ishikawa Prefecture, abandoned in 2005. I want to go to Masaki because of the "Happy Bell" and switchback. After Yatake Pass, one of the most beautiful train view, scenic train "Isaburo Shinpei" came there. Due to the kanji for the station "真幸", meaning "true happiness", it was said that many passengers bought a ticket as a souvenir.I'm planning to go to Kyushu after new Shinkansen "Sakura" starting to run to travel with unique trains and to watch old wooden station buildings on Hisatsu and Kitto Lines, such as Okoba, Yatake, Masaki, Osumi-yokogawa, Kareigawa, and Ebino."Ryozo Kawashima's limited express guide" was the program about limited express trains on JR Lines debuted after the privatization in 1987 with the most famous railway analyst in Japan Ryozo Kawashima's guidance and featured "Thunderbird" from Osaka to Toyama.He said that the best point of Thunderbird was Kosei Line, between Kyoto and Omi-shiotsu, Shiga Prefecture, running at its maximum speed 130km/h, and it wouldn't be impossible to run at 160km/h with some improvements.