「Wake Up, Girls!」の街・仙台へ行こう!!
「Wake Up, Girls!」の舞台は宮城県・仙台。仙台は江戸時代には伊達政宗公の手により仙台城(青葉城)の城下町として繁栄し、現代では「杜の都」と呼ばれる緑と清流が美しい街となっている。毎年8月の「仙台七夕まつり」も有名。仙山線沿線には作並温泉や秋保温泉などの人気の温泉地もある。昨年2013(平成25)年、仙台市の「楽天Koboスタジアム宮城」を本拠地とするプロ野球・東北楽天ゴールデンイーグルスが2005(平成17)年の球団創設以来初めての日本一に輝き、興奮と歓喜に包まれたことも記憶に新しい。2015(平成27)年にはリニアメトロの仙台市地下鉄東西線が新たに開業予定。仙台駅から「Wake Up, Girls!」の舞台となった勾当台公園や、喫茶ビジュウや熊谷屋のある北四番丁へは仙台市地下鉄南北線が便利。あなたも「Wake Up, Girls!」の街・仙台へ行ってみませんか?仙台への旅なら、楽天トラベルでホテルと新幹線を一緒に予約できる「JR東日本×楽天トラベル <往復JR+宿泊>セットでおトクなツアー「びゅう」!!仙台駅から徒歩1分のホテルメトロポリタン仙台の「【東京駅発】JR+宿泊セットでおトク!東北・信越・水戸・宇都宮・高崎・北陸フリーパック」プラン(JR東日本びゅう提供)がオススメ!!往復の新幹線(「やまびこ」のみ利用可能)とホテルがセットになって、29,900円~(1名デラックスシングルルーム利用時)。新幹線の運賃・特急料金だけでも片道10,590円かかるため、この楽天トラベルで予約できるセットプランがおトク!!The town in which "Wake Up, Girls!" anime is set is Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture.In the Edo period, Sendai prospered under leadership of Masamune Date, a daimyo (powerful regional lord) as the castletown of Sendai (Aoba) Castle. In the present, because of the beautiful green scenery with the stream of Hirose River, Sendai is called "City of Trees". Tanabata festival, famous as one of the three biggest festival in Tohoku area, is held in August. Sakunami and Akiu hot spring resorts stands along Senzan Line in its mountain side.In 2013, Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles, a baseball team based at "Rakuten Kobo Stadium Miyagi" in the city, first became the Japanese baseball champion since its establishment in 2005, which exited many persons.In 2015, linear-moter railway Sendai Municipal Subway Tozai Line is newly opening.Transferring Sendai Municipal Subway Nanboku Line, you can go to some places where appeared in the anime show, such as Kotodai Park and Kita-yobancho, where Cafe Bigou and Kumagaiya confectionery store stand.Would you like to go to Sendai?If you go, I highly recommend Rakuten Travel's package tour collaborating with JR East including Shinkansen fare (you can choose only "Yamabiko" express). If you buy regular Shinkansen ticket from Tokyo to Sendai, it costs \10,590.However, if you use the package tour staying at Hotel Metropolitan Sendai, it cost 29,900 (the lowest, differ from day to day) including Shinkansen return fare, one night stay, and breakfast. (You can pay only with credit card)The comparison with the package tour and regular fare and hotel rate is the table below.新幹線付きプランRakuten Travel's package tour通常購入regular fare/rate新幹線(「やまびこ」 運賃+特急券)Shinkansen fare (Yamabiko)\29,900\21,180ホテル1泊(朝食付き)a room per night with breakfast\13,600合計total\29,900\34,780【新幹線付プラン】ホテルメトロポリタン仙台(JR東日本びゅう提供)