今朝の1冊 『世界記憶力グランドマスターが教える 脳にまかせる勉強法 』
世界記憶力グランドマスターが教える 脳にまかせる勉強法 発売日: 2017年03月10日 著者/編集: 池田 義博 出版社: ダイヤモンド社 【内容情報】(出版社より)記憶力日本一、世界グランドマスターが教える最速で覚えられる勉強法。3回読むだけの「3サイクル反復速習法」や記憶の確認と強化を同時に行う「1分間ライティング」、脳の自動編集機能を使った「1分間マッピング」など、記憶競技で生みだした技術を完全に体系化。入試、資格、英語、ビジネスに使える勉強法。[ 高校入試問題 英語編 ](沖縄県)●次の英文を読んで、下記の質問に答えなさい。 Do you like soccer? Did you enjoy watching the World Cup soccer games last year? I think many peaple in the World enjoyed watching them. But do you know when World Cup soccer started? The first World Cup was played in Uruguay in 1930. Until 1998, World Cup was played only in Europe and North and South America. Expect North America, soccer is the most popular sport in those places. The World Cup last year was very unique because it was played in Asia for the first time in its history. It was also the first time that the World Cup was played in two countries. Usually it is played only in one country. So, at first, there were some problems and worries, but the World Cup Korea-Japan was very successful. It was also a good chance for both Korea and Japan to understand each other well. We saw on TV that the people of both countries cheered for each other's teams. We never saw this before the first World Cup in Asia. Before then, when Japan played against Korea, people and players of both teams often got excited. It was said that "Korea is the nearest country to but is not close to Japan." But the scenes we watched on TV taught us that we can be "the nearest and closest countries" in the near future. The first World Cup in Asia gave us a chance to both watch games and understand each other. (注)Uruguay ウルグアイ except ~を除いて unique 独特な successful 成功した cheer 声援 close 親しい scene 場面問1.次の各問いに対する最も適切なものをア~エの中から1つ選び、その記号を答えなさい。 1.Where was the first World Cup played? It was played ア in Korea. イ in South America. ウ in Uruguay. エ in Europe. 2.Why was the World Cup in Asia unique? Because ア it was played in Asia for the first time. イ it was very successful. ウ many Japanese watched the games. エ Japan and Korea did very well. 3.In how many countries is the World Cup usually played? It is usually played in ア one country. イ two countries. ウ Uruguay. エ Korea and Japan. 4.What can both countries be in the future? They can be ア chance to understand each other. イ places to go. ウ the nearest and closest countries. エ a good chance to see the games. 問2.本文の内容のまとめとして、最も適切なものをア~エの中から1つ選び、その記号を 書きなさい。 ア The World Cup was played in Asia for the first time in its history and many people enjoyed it. イ The first World Cup in Asia was unique and gave both Japan and Korea a chance to know each other well. ウ The World Cup in Asia was very successful because there were no ploblems and both Korea and Japan did very well. エ The World Cup in Asia was played in two countries for the first time and there were some problems. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 【 解答 】 問1.1 ウ キーワード:the first World Cup 2 ア キーワード:unique 3 ア キーワード:usually 4 ウ キーワード:in the future ※英文の横に段落のポイントをメモしておくといいかもしれません。 問2.イ ※国語の読解問題と同じように、要旨は最後の段落に書いてあることが多いです。今朝は天高く澄んだ青空、いい天気。月齢14、輝面比99%、室温17℃、湿度41%。 昨日の「日最高気温高いほうから」5。1 沖縄県 志多阿原 23.5 02:38 2 沖縄県 波照間 23.2 02:43 3 沖縄県 所野 23.1 15:10 4 沖縄県 大原 22.8 01:11 〃 沖縄県 与那国島 22.8 15:09 気象庁: http://www.data.jma.go.jp/obd/stats/data/mdrr/rank_daily/data01.html本日、午前11時までの地震。 情報発表日時 発生日時 震央地名 マグニチュード 最大震度平成29年03月12日05時01分 12日04時57分頃 福島県沖 M5.3 震度4 平成29年03月12日03時53分 12日03時49分頃 薩摩半島西方沖 M5.1 震度3 平成29年03月12日01時42分 12日01時39分頃 熊本県熊本地方 M2.1 震度1 気象庁: http://www.jma.go.jp/jp/quake/quake_local_index.html にほんブログ村