Will you forgive me?
バイトつかれた!久しぶりに1時からでねぇーしかも暑いんだよ。しかも体調も悪くって薬をのんでいったの(,,`Д´) でもやっぱり体調はよろしくないわぁ。気持ち悪いし;;理由が分かりきってるからしょうがないんだけど!明日も頑張るべ。あしたーは1時ラストかぁ・・・・。I dislike myself who says what it thought of clearly.I saw a homepage, and got angry very much.The contents of the diary ・・・This manager always and always runs away.MmmI think so.Fictitious injury? Don't be silly!Don't take a mouth easily.I said too much though you had troubles terribly. It thinks me sorry for you.I want myself forgiven. ・・・I am self-hatred for my selfishness.But, I may envy this woman. ・・・I am very narrow-minded. sorry."To you whom I love and who doesn't stop."Thank you for the mail. I was very happy!A photograph was very wonderful.You excused yourself by mail "Though it says, I am not free."And yet, mail was given to me.Hahahahaha wwwwwwwwwwww Happy!!!!!!!!!I am a happy woman's possibility in the world in the first!.........Lie. However, it feels happy now. "happiness" wwwwwwwwwwwwwThen, let's be careful of the health, and do your best!Good night!PS You are early, and it is returned from NYC!