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いいね! --/--

1. Aid station

The station staff seemed to have not much to do. Nurses said the norovirus was dying down and the cold was newly going around. Posters on the wall remind the people of washing hands. Everyday is Sunday for the people here, but for some unknown reasons many patients visit the station on Monday. The increasing visits of ambulances are for the aged people or those in high blood pressure, who are getting discomfort in the prolonged evacuation life.
One good thing is that one ambulance vehicle from Futaba-cho area (Three towns of Futaba, Tomioka, and Okuma) is newly available for our needs, and therefore the staff members may feel free in using the ambulance for dispatching our patients. In evacuation, staff members, too, felt guilty to the Koriyma ambulances. With the rainy Tsu-yu season and the summer approaching, due
cares are needed for preventing food poison.

2. Washing machines, not yet

A message was noticed yesterday on the board: Washing machines will be installed, due for April 2, at the designated place in the building. My mind was banged: “What day is it today? April 15!” A lady at the town emergency headquarters said, “Oh yes, it’s April 15 today.”I protested to amanager, “What is the situation? You lose your credibility. Can’t you correct at least the day for delivery foreseen?” His excuse: The prefecture asked one volunteer for delivery and installation. But the one delivered was the one without a dryer portion.
I asked him to replace it with the one with a dryer portion. Before installation, we have to find a place to transfer the pet cages, because that is the place for the machine. To my further demand, he replied “the delivery date shall be changed to ‘by next week.’”He and I came up with one point to agree upon. Why doesn’t the prefecture let the people find their favorite rent-house in this area and provide monthly subsidiary of US$1,000 (rent and
living expenses)?
It is efficient and people can choose where to stay and where to wash at their
convenience. There may be some people who try to cheat more or less, and something may be wasted to some extent. But that may be within an acceptable limit in this emergency. Local policies, organizations and authority in an emergency may be a big issue to explore in future.

3. What is compensated?

The government geared TEPCO to pay US$10,000 to each family on evacuation ASAP.
People in the Big Palette wonder why that could not be done earlier. They are very concerned about how the compensation will be done.
? If we cannot return home, TEPCO buys the unbroken houses and land?
? Do we get money for resettlement?
? The asset values drop, even if we are able to return. Nobody will purchase
them. Who compensates the loss?
? Shopkeepers can get their compensation for lost earnings during evacuation?
? The compensation equivalent to the wages is reduced, if we go working during
evacuation? If that is likely, we will not go working.
? Farmers and fishermen get the money for restoration?
? Products may not be saleable as before, after farming or fishing can be
resumed. Is the loss compensated?
? Expenditures for evacuation are compensated?
? Facilities in the factories and shops, vehicles as well as gardens are too
damaged for reuse after a long time of being uncared. Are they compensated?
? What connection exists between compensation and our own damage insurance?
? What compensation is foreseen for fears of evacuation, mental and physical
stresses due to long evacuation?

People were occupied with the hardships to survive on evacuation. They gradually start to think about future life plan. Before them stand the issue of compensation and the accidents still to be terminated. The negotiation will take long between the victims and the people to blame. The compensation amount will reach enormous.
The government responsibility (compensation) is after all to be borne by the nation (tax). Residents in Tokyo and other consuming regions have enjoyed cheap
and abundant electricity. Now they have to bear expenses in the form of electricity rates.

4. Posters as administration media

The town offices of Tomioka-cho and Kawauchi-mura function now in Koriyama. They disseminate the relevant information to their people, basically through posters on the board.
? Report your whereabouts to the office;
? Tax payment deadline is extended till further notice;
? Visit us for consultation if you have discomforts;
? Practice hand washing for preventing norovirus;
? Resident certificate can be issued if needed;
? A washing machine will be installed by when;
? No pets allowed in the hall/rooms, etc. etc.

We can’t overlook the board to know what the things are ruled, what services are available, what to do, what not to do, etc. Lots of information sheets, flyers or in-house organs have been distributed till recently as thick as on the ground. No more.
No gatherings/meetings forexplanation to the residents living in one place. Posters are one-way communication. A suspicion
is born among us the administration by posters might be a best way to prevent complaints or opinions from the residents.


Last updated  2012.02.21 11:39:42
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