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いいね! --/--

1. Nursing cares

Volunteer nurses for mental care visited us today. They walked around us with their identification tags. They were not very proactively talking to us. Aged people are apt to become demented in such a monotonous life. Shocks by the earthquakes and subsequent evacuation life may increase the risk of dementia. Caretakers should be proactive in talking to them. Some aged people are occasionally seen, leaning on the wall, eating omusumi.
They look somewhere far, absent-minded. Such people are recently increasing. Some people are watching TV programs, but not so many, not in a larger group as before. The town office has a list of all of us. They can identify who needs care. They should organize a working system of doctors, nurses, care managers and caretakers for better quality cares.
Dedicated space and staff for day-care service are also needed in the building.
Children also need cares to check, if they get used to a new environment at a new school.

2. Review once, please

After one month of evacuation life at the Big Palette, everybody knows by now that the evacuation life will last months ahead. It is the time to review the environment --- hygienic and health conditions or mental conditions of evacuees ---, and tune up the system for an extended evacuation life ahead.
TV news tells us of an atmosphere of gradual restoration in the quake hit areas: body search projects; clearance of rubbles and wreckage; new town planning; restoration of industries, etc.
The people here, however, cannot stand even at the start line yet. Limited number of the dead and the missing, limited damage of the tsunami, but nevertheless they are “contained” in the evacuation camp for months ahead. How stressful is it to the people? Psychiatrists should analyze it for appropriate cares. Those staying in a hotel or ryokan may have no big issues in life,
but similar to the birds in a cage.

3. Even if we could return home, …

The TEPCO plan for accident termination foresees many items of work in six to nine months ahead. When completed, the reactors are in cold-standby and no more release of radioactive materials to the outside land and ocean. People long for that situation as early as possible, because this is the primary condition for them to return home. The mayor expressed to the press his wish to advance the schedule, while he values the termination plan.
Fukushima Daiichi stands in our next town Okuma-cho. In the Tomioka-cho people’s mind, the NPPs there may not be so close to us as to the people in Okuma-cho, but those NPPs damaged and to be decommissioned are next door to us. Many of us were working there. Even more, Fukushima Daini stands in our own town Tomioka-cho. If TEPCO continues to operate the NPPs at Fukushima Daini, what safety measures TEPCO is going to take? Are they trustworthy?
Where is TEPCO itself going? Tomioka-cho people get a big issue to think how to coexist with NPPs. Affirmatives and negatives may get fierce in discussing the matter. Time to argue the Yes/No concerning site locations may come back again.


Last updated  2012.02.29 15:14:49
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