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いいね! --/--

1. A life never experienced before

This article is the last one of my series “Evacuation Life.” How long the life at the evacuation life will last? I do not know how long: may be one year, may be two years. The people at the camp will move to temporary houses, rent houses or may buy their own houses.
People will leave the Big Palette, and two camps may be merged to smaller scales. The life at the camps is gradually improving day by day. After almost two months in evacuation, people here are prepared for
spending the days to come here. My diary sketches an evacuation life never experienced before.
It is a record of the people who were made to evacuate due to nuclear accidents. The life is different from the evacuation life due to natural disasters, almost no prior experience in Japan. The difference is that: (1) the people were instructed to evacuate all of a sudden on one day, although the house was not destroyed, was not flown away due to tsunami and no casualties; and (2) the people are forced to stay 100km away for an indefinite period. Their stresses are further intensified when the news is reported on the people in the earthquake and/or tsunami hit areas, who are working to restore their hometowns and industries.
A closest example of our environment may be a gorilla in a zoo
cage, which was brought there far from Africa. My interest in the evacuation life is shifting to the analyses of the meaning of the accidents; What should the nuclear stakeholders and the people interested in the nuclear future learn from the accidents and think about will be addressed in my separate paper in the near future.

Thank you for your interest in my record of experience in the evacuation camp.The evacuation will continue till… When? I don’t know yet. I do hope no more experience will be made by anybody else in Japan and worldwide. “No nuclear accidents” is the only solution to make this happen.
My thanks go to all my JAIF colleagues, as equally to volunteers at the camp, who helped my evacuation life, and especially to Toshio Konishi, who translated my record into English. I hope every person, who read this article, will get lessons from it and learn by himself/herself
for peaceful future.


Last updated  2012.03.07 12:03:53
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