実践!スラッシュ・リーディング I-12
It is common for travelers who have sat down beside each other to have almost finished exchanging their life stories by the time they get to their destination. It ~for ~to ~の構文はfor~の部分が主語になるので、主語を修飾する節の終わ りにスラッシュを入れ、他は前置詞の前に入れます。 It is common for travelers who have sat down beside each other /to have almost finished exchanging their life stories /by the time they get to their destination. 「それは普通だ、互いに隣に座った旅行者が、彼らの身の上話を交換し終えてい ることは、目的地に着くまでに。」 お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
Last updated
2022.04.10 17:27:51
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