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Tier’s Bench

Tier’s Bench

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飛騨ふらい工房 6laiさん
~日々精進~七転八倒 まゆ−2さん
まみぃの勉強部屋 まみぃ@大阪さん
日本の教育は、これ… 今日9729さん
♪pekoととーちゃんと… pekoとスマイルさん


文型演習問題 2


1 He lives in the city. 彼は=S、住んでる=V、その街に=M
2 He is a doctor. 彼は=S、、です=V、医師=C
3 He likes his dog.
4 There is a bank near his house.
5 He looks young for his age.
6 He wants to build his new house.
7 Many students in our class went to the soccer game.
8 Kevin is a member of our band.
9 My brother studies chemistry at the university.
10 I think that he is greedy.
11 He kept his dog in his house last year.
12 He kept quiet when a foreigner talked to him in English.
13 Once upon a time, there were an old man and his wife in a village.
14 He turned pale when he found it.
15 She made you a cake.
16 He called a dog Beth.
17 He called Beth yesterday.
18 I bought my son a new gloves.
19 I found the door open.
20 I found my dog near the river.
21 He painted the wall blue.
22 She made me clean the room.
23 She showed me her photo albums.
24 The old man told us the story.
25 She made her daughter a wool scarf.
26 He bought her a ring.
27 They sold me precious stone.
28 She ordered me cheese steak.
29 She lent us her villa.
30 She named a hamster Hamutaro.
31 We elected him our captain.
32 Did the prince make her happy?
33 Keep the room clean.
34 He left his room messy.
35 I found her story false.
36 You must keep your promise.
37 Please keep quiet in the movie theater.
38 We should keep it secret.
39 She got me an interesting book yesterday.
40 The bus got to Tokyo an hour late this morning.
41 My shoes got dirty because I walked on the muddy road.
42 The weather went bad suddenly.
43 There are two elevators in this building.
44 I explained the problem to them.
45 The new computer costed me 200,000 yen.
46 My child believes Santa Claus is real.


Last updated  2022.05.18 14:44:39
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