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Tier’s Bench

Tier’s Bench

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飛騨ふらい工房 6laiさん
~日々精進~七転八倒 まゆ−2さん
まみぃの勉強部屋 まみぃ@大阪さん
日本の教育は、これ… 今日9729さん
♪pekoととーちゃんと… pekoとスマイルさん



1. He has spent all money I gave him.
2. I have never seen a such sharp knife.
3. Nancy was sitting there quietly for hour.
4. I bought mountain bike yesterday.
5. There are 60 minutes in hour.
6. My father works five days week.
7. Do you mind if I open window?
8. We are paid by week.
9. Can you play guitar?
10. I want to travel around world some day.
11. He filled the glass with the milk.
12. She went to the post office by a bicycle.
13. Let's play the baseball in the park.
14. What nice handkerchief you have!
15. I have never seen so big airplane.
16. She gave me such interesting book.
17. Has he spent all money I gave to him?
18. The pilot sent a SOS signal.
19. He possessed a 18th century edition of Shakespeare's works.
20. An old woman was run over by bus and killed while crossing the street.
21. I want you to become Einstein.
22. Brush your teeth at least once day.
23. Aunt Mary returned home after ten year's absence.
24. During World War II, Winston Churchill, in his late sixties and early seventies,
was able to work sixteen hours the day, year after year, directing the war efforts of the British Empire.
25. Letter writing is often one of most important functions in a business.
The effectiveness of letters may mean the difference between getting and not getting business.
26. What I would like for my birthday present is new fountain pen to use with the special paper
that I received by mail from Florence.
27. It was a such beautiful day that I decided to take a walk.
28. A ball hit me by the face.
29. His colleagues elected him a chairperson of the committee.
30. Stockholm is quite a beautiful place.
31. Please send this form by the fax or post it to us.
32. For an example, the sun creates energy via nuclear fusion.
33. Each night we have the dinner at a restaurant in the city before going home.
34. He was a priest and teacher at our elementary school.


Last updated  2022.07.08 11:19:08
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