■AERA English 9月号
AERA English 9月号「遠山顕の英語の森探検隊」の覚書。今月のテーマは、「手伝う、助ける」基本表現help 誰々 with 何々同僚・友人向けCan you give me a hand?Can you give me some help with this?丁寧に言う時は、Can → Could にひと言添えてから助けを求めるときはDo you have a minutes?Can you do me a favor?助けてもらった後はThank you for your help. (定番)Thank you の後に、It helps / helped一方、人を助けてあげたいときCan I help you?May I help you? は、店員以外使わない方が無難。ほかに、使用頻度の高い表現Do you need some help?Can I give you a hand?よく使われる、丁寧な表現Would you like any help?Is there anything I can you like any help?Do you need any assistance?相手に尋ねずに助けの手を出してしまうときは、肯定形で声をかけるLet me help you with that.I'll help you with that.Here, I'll do it for you.手助けの要請を断るときI'm sorry I can't help you now.I'm sorry my hands are full. Can you ask me later?手助けの申し出を断るときThat's very kind of you, but ...No, it's all right really.