ボブ・ディランの詩の言葉"get stoned"に関する解釈ありがとう。ぼくだけでなく、興味のある人はいるだろうと思う。なるほど、やはりドラッグ・ソングということになるのですね。 この詩とは関係がないけど、アメリカに行きたくなってきたな。ましほさんとも会いたい、娘とも会いたい。 また、なんでもいいですから書いてください。(了解もとらずに、メールを公開してごめんなさい。でも英語で返事を書くのがなんか億劫なので、これを返事の代わりにします。ありがとう、そしてお元気で!) Dear Mr. Mizushima: I am very sorry I have not written for a while. I have some materials I would like to write about, but I haven't had any time. I have been spending 16-17 hours a day / at least 6 days a week at work for last five weeks or so, and I don't expect to be less busy anytime soon. I saw your blog of June 5, 2006. You mentioned that someone has translated "get stoned" as "一発やられる" or "get pelted by stones." I think that is wrong. The phrase "to get stoned" is a slang meaning "to be under the influence of a drug (particularly marijuana) taken especially for pleasure (i.e., to get high on a drug)." I have also heard the phrase used to mean "to get really very drunk." I consulted a dictionary and also checked this with one of my younger colleagues (who claims that this expression is used exclusively for marijuana). It is true, a verb "to stone" means "to kill by pelting with stones," but "stoned" here is an adjective. Mashiho お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
Last updated
June 8, 2006 09:17:48 PM
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