カテゴリ:Special announcement
What it is.. TMRevolutionist's Not-So-Secret Santa project is our holiday project for 2006. It's after Thanksgiving and we're all in the spirit of giving (and recieving ^_~); Therefore, we're organizing a TMR related gift exchange! After you join, you will become someone's Secret Santa, and you will also be given a Secret Santa! Members won't know who is giving them a gift, and they hopefully won't be familiar with who they're sending one to. But why is it "not-so-secret"? Because only I will know who your gift-giver is! More information is here. If you have time, please join it お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
Last updated
2006.11.30 18:14:34
[Special announcement] カテゴリの最新記事