uk.reuters.comによると、そのゴーカートに乗り運転していたハミルトンは衝突したみたいです。 LONDON (Reuters) - Formula One championship leader Lewis Hamilton, who has yet to make a mistake in a grand prix race, crashed a go-kart that had been sold at a charity auction for 42,100 pounds on Thursday. 彼のコメントは、 "Oops, that was close," the 22-year-old McLaren rookie said after hitting the barriers on the temporary track laid out in a central London square at a promotional event organised by sponsor Vodafone."It's a bit bent on the back here," he added apologetically after inspecting the kart which was bought by a Northern Irish bidder. 「あ~危なかった」でも、北アイルランドの方が落札したゴーカートをへこませてしまった、申し訳ないといった感じだったみたいです。 お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
Last updated
2007.06.25 18:00:58
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