カテゴリ:英語 la angla lingvo
「銀座ビジネス英語gym」は 事前予約制の英語教室です。まずは、初回おためしレッスン(50分、1,000円)を体験してみてください! みなさん「おもしろかった」と言ってくださいます。
入学金・前金は一切なし。レッスンごとのお支払いです。 詳しくはこちら: http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/ginza1gym/diary/201608240000/ 受講者に Should English education start from the first year of elementary school? というお題で英文を書いてもらいました。 やりとりは、メールで行っています。 <受講者の writing> It seems to be the unavoidable fact that English ability broaden the possibilities of one’s life today. Therefore, I believe it is good for children to have environment to come into contact with English early and become to think that speaking English is not special. But they should learn their native language firmly before they gain the ability to think logically. So, I think it is good timing to start a class to familiarize children with English from the first year of elementary school, and grammar and writing should start from junior high school. <泉 ⇒ 受講者> 考え方がよく整理されていて、いい writing だと思います。 an unavoidable fact という言い方はあるのですが、ここではちょっとネガティヴすぎるかな。 母語をしっかり学ぶことで論理的に考える力を身につける必要がある、という展開はとてもよいと思います。母語を「しっかり」身につける というつもりでの firmly ですが、learn something firmly というのは しっくりこないです。Google 検索しても、ヒットする例が少ないですね。 若干手をいれてみました: It is a clear fact today that your ability in English will broaden the possibilities of your life. I believe it is good for children to have a learning environment to come into contact with English at a very early stage. Speaking English should not be something special. But it is also advisable that children might learn their native language very well so that they gain the ability to think logically. In conclusion, the good timing to begin an English class to familiarize children with the sound of English would be the first year of elementary school, whereas learning the grammar and writing in English may start from junior high school. お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
Sep 19, 2016 11:11:39 AM
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