超ひさしぶりにジオスに通っていた時の先生からメールが来た♪彼女は、イギリス人で、とぉ~~~っても元気で熱心な先生だった(*^ー^)ノこの先生と会えたことがジオスに行った一番の収穫だ!さて、現在、沖縄の小学校で英語を教えているそうだが、4月の下旬にはイギリスに帰るらしい。その前に鹿児島に行くかもしれないが、私は、沖縄に来る予定はないのか?ときいてきた。沖縄かぁ~~~卒業した年に2回行ったけれど、それきりだなあ~今ではモノレールもでき、空港も改装され、大型映画館もあるらしい。私がいたころとは様変わりしているだろう。でも、どうせ行くなら夏だよね。。。K先生には会いたいけど。。。さらに南国の島へと思いを寄せた今日でした(^m^ )***今日のお勉強***リスニングカキコ(昨日を含め)3回ぐらいEMCメール見直し・・・ああ、しょぼい(T△T) ***Hamil's diary(旅行中、人恋しいのか、毎日UPするハミルより・・・笑)***I am in Oaxaca now. Been here a few days. It is very different from Mexico City. The town seems a lot safer and the area is vibrant. Today I went to Monte Alban, a ruin that is over 1,000 years old. It really makesyou think about what people were doing back then.Actually when Monte Alban was ruling this area over 1,000 years ago, Japan would have been very weak, Europe might not have even been so organized, and Canada would have had just the aboriginal peoples.My hotel here is neat. Think of a square building. The center of the building is a big empty courtyard. The rooms surround this courtyard. So when I open my room door I can see the sky even thought I haven't left thebuilding. Lots of buildings are built like this in Mexico. From the outside sometimes they look like small, dirty factory buildings, but when you peak inside they are beautiful. Only the part facing the street doesn't look nice. My hotel actually looks very nice both inside and out. I am enjoying it (even though it has no TV). Tomorrow I am moving to thenicest room in the place. Oh, I cut my heel on a chair this morning so I had trouble walking in my sandals. The band-aids I bought won't stay on. They keep slipping off so it hurts to walk sometimes. Poor me. Tomorrow I am going on a tour to many places in a van. I don't think it will be such a pain for my feet. At least I am hoping not. In a few days I will be heading to Puerto Escondido, a surfing area on the west coast from Oaxaca City. I will beworking on my suntan and taking photos of surfers if I am lucky. ●Hamil's diary back number→こちら ●ハミルの日本滞在奮闘記?→こちら