NW in the morning of The Doll's Festival
In the vernal weather,we felt comfortable to do Nordic Walking.It's a great news that we had a paticipant of Mr.N.Takahashi in the NW regurar meeting.Everyone were overjoyed see him again.One of our member Mr.F told me that we felt tense on apperance of Mr. Takahashi and enjoyed NWing more and more.烏丸半島に、ほんとうに春らしい早朝!とても心地よいノルディックウォーキングを満喫した。嬉しい事に今回の例会にはN.Takahashiが参加。皆、彼との再会を喜び、NWを楽しんだ!M.Fujiiさんいわく、「彼が居ると、例会が引締まるねー。」と。「今日の例会が楽しみで楽しみで寝ていられなくて、朝の4時に起きてしまった。」と。The Eve, we had a party at Chiyo-san's house that's my next neighbor.We enjoyed to have a banquet and special Sake Mr.Takahashi gave us.Then the special sweets was [Hagi no tsuki].It was a souvenir from Sendai.Just after my two sons look at that,they exlpain how famous and good sweets [Hagi no tsuki]is with elation!!!I have no idea how they did get to known.They all are browser!Anyway it was Delocious!例会前夜は、Chiyo-sanの家(私のお隣)で、彼の持ってきてくれたSpecialな酒でポトラックパーティーを楽しんだ。そしてデザートが「萩の月](Takahashiーsanからのお土産)。この「萩の月」を一目見るなり、息子二人がこの「萩の月」についてを誇らしげに話した。「萩の月」を知らなかった私は目を丸くしたが。これはとても有名な仙台の銘菓らしい。