ブログは更新してないんですけど~~調子の悪いパソコンに(熱くなって突然消えちゃうんです)向かってる時間はかなりあります!!!アメリカのバージニアに帰ったお友達がとっても広い家を買ったそうで前から「遊びに来て~~」と言ってくれてたのですが!!でも私がどうも動かなくて~~仕事や家族の事考えると^^行かれなかったんです!!でも今年行かなかったらもう行かれない気がして!!家族からも職場からもOK?貰って英語仲間4人で行くことを決め私が窓口になって何度も何度もメールのやりとりして飛行機のチケットを買いました!ところが一ヶ月前~そのお友達が体の調子が悪くなってしまったんです(!!)17日に手術なんです~信じられないです~何とか成功して会える事を祈ってる毎日で☆7年も日本にいて家族ぐるみのお付き合いだったので皆で千羽鶴折っています☆アンナ頑張れ~~絶対治るから☆私達はツアーに変更しようと考えていたんですけど!!アンナのお友達からメールが来て!Hello This is Anna's friend June (from Guam). Do you remember me? I use to live in Yokosuka and met you and your group when you came to Anna's house for English conversation class. You came to my apartment in Sakura Towers when I substituted for Anna, too. I hope you are all well and excited to come to visit Washington, D.C. in October. As you probably know, Anna's health has changed. She has asked me to help her when you come to USA in October, as she will probably not feel very well to travel and show you Washington, D.C. and New York City. But, if you like, my husband, Eric, and I would like to offer you and the ladies to stay in our home (approximately 30-45 minutes north from Anna's house) during your visit here. If you agree, please let me know your travel dates and any information to help me make your trip enjoyable. Anna wants you to have a good trip, too. ジュン!なんていい人Hello June How are you and your family?Thank you for your email. Of course I remember you and your family.And I understood your email. You were also good teacher for us.We continue still studying English.So I have English teacher. Sometimes we remember you.Thank you for your kindness.We are so happy.I don't know how to thank you and Anna. We were looking forward to seeing Anna.But I was so surprised. I am anxious about Anna,We were thinking to go to America only with us in Oct. But If you help our trip we will have a very good time.We already purchased airline tickets only. We don't make reservation of the hotel yet.We'd like to see some famouse museum at theWashington,D.C and Entertainment, the Statue of Liberty ,at the New York City. What do you think this our plan ?結局もう一人のお友達Juneが是非家に~~と言ってくれたので予定通りに行くことになりました~でも英語が上達してないもんで~~メールや電話があ~~~正直!苦しいです~~~頭ヘトヘト(@@)でもこれが勉強とがんばっる毎日です☆