Ron Paul at the South Carolina Debate(1/10/08)(11分半(英語))、Ron Paul at the Newhampshire(1/8/08)(11分(英語))、Ron Paul at Town Hall(1/6/08)(30分(英語))…。 きょうの非公式ブログよりMessage from Ronを少しだけ訳す。 What a shot in the arm the Nevada caucuses were, where we took the silver as #2, beating McCain, Huckabee, Thompson, and -- of course -- Giuliani. We also got four more delegates. In South Carolina, we beat Rudy again. A big thank you to all our wonderful donors, volunteers, and voters. So many people worked so hard to spread our message of liberty, honest money, peace, and free-market prosperity. I owe you all my deepest gratitude. So do our fellow citizens. So do all future Americans. Most of the mainstream media continue to pretend that we do not exist. Yet soon the race will be down to four candidates-Romney, McCain, Huckabee, and me, and there is no stopping us, as Tim Russert grudgingly pointed out the other night. Thanks to you, we are in this all the way through a brokered convention. ネバダではマケイン、ハッカビー、トンプソン、ジュリアーニを破った。 Nevada, by the way, is known as the Silver State for a reason-its great mining industry produced the precious metal for the beautiful silver dollars minted at the fabled Carson City mint. These constitutional coins, include .775 ounces of silver, in accord with the Coinage Act of 1792. Today these coins, worth $1 in my father's day, have about $14 in silver. That is, the dollar is worth 1/14th of what it was, thanks to the counterfeiting Federal Reserve. ネバダといえば銀だ。銀貨はウソつきの連銀のせいでかつての14分の1になった。 The Fed has again taken our country into a terrible crisis. Who else is talking about honest money that cannot be printed up at will by DC bureaucrats? My opponents in both parties are all some variety of print-and-spend Keynesians. Only we are telling the truth, about who is to blame for this recession, and how we can build real prosperity with sound money, no IRS, no deficit, and strict obedience to the Constitution. And, of course, no hyper-expensive, hyper-dangerous empire all around the globe. 連銀はこの国を再び危機に陥れた。他の候補はみな刷っては使うケインジアンの亜流だ。だれがこの景気後退の原因を作ったか、真実を述べているのはわれわれだけだ。健全な通貨、IRSの廃止、赤字撃退、厳格な憲法遵守に基づいた真の繁栄を築く方法を述べているのはわれわれだけだ… しかし、朝日新聞も銀行に遠慮して、ネバダで共和党2位だったロン・ポールについてひとことも触れていないんだからねえ。万が一、どこかの州で1位になったら「ひと」欄で取り上げたりでもするんだろうか。 お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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