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成果を最高度に発揮して下さい。朝食と昼食は集中力に関係します。基本的には食べ 過ぎないことが大切です。軽食と果物がお勧めです。私の昔の体験ですが、昼食に ラーメンを食べたら午後の科目で眠くなってしまい、何とかそれに打ち勝とうと努力 しましたが抗しきれずに、殆ど問題が出来なくて不合格になってしまいました。油濃 いものは避けた方がよいと思います。頑張ってください!! The Entrance Examinations of the University is held on the 14th and 15th. I pray that they would show their most successful result since they have studied all the time to the utmost. The breakfast and lunch are related to the concentration, basically it is important not to eat too much. Recommend fruits and snacks. As I mentioned earlier, I ate ramen for lunch. Then I got very sleepy in the afternoon subjects and tried to counter it, but I could not resist it and I could not exercise most of my abilities and failed. I think that it is better to avoid oily soup. Do your best !! お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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