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障害者は自分より不幸とは限らないー相模原事件に思う, Disabled people are not always unhappy than myself - I think to Sagamihara Incident(7)
告(27歳)は3年間その施設に勤めて感じた「障害者は不幸を生むだけだ」という考 えを今も捨てていない。障害の程度にもよるが自分で何も出来なくて社会の世話にな るだけの存在はこの世からいなくなった方がよいと考えたのだと思う。私たちも日々 意識のない植物人間のような高齢の方々をお世話しているが誰もそのような考えは 持っていない。 確かに世話をする側と世話をしてもらう側を考えると一方は常にしてもらう側で不公 平のように見える。しかし世話をする側は現実には様々な辛いことも経験するがそれ が使命であり、決して負担を押し付けられている訳ではない。植松被告は自分を優 位、障害者は劣っていると考えていたがよく考えればどちらが優位とは言えず自分 だっていつ病気やけがで障害者と同じようにならないとも限らない。想像力が貧しく 1方向的な考え方しかできなかった不幸な若者が起こした軽薄で残酷な事件だった。 表に現れた姿に関係なく誰の体の中をも貫く命の大切さを皆で考える機会にしなくて はと思う。 A year passed since the incident that 19 people were killed at disabled facilities in Sagamihara city on yesterday. The criminal Uematsu (27 years old) has not thrown away the idea that "Disabled people produce only unhappiness" which he felt after working for the facility for three years. Depending on the extent of the disability, he might believe that it is better for people who are not able to do anything by themselves to become only careers of society better to be away from this world. We also take care of elderly people like plant human beings who are not conscious every day, but nobody has such ideas. Indeed it seems to be unfair on one side that always takes care of one side, considering the side that takes care of it. However, the caretaker also experiences various painful things in reality, but that is the mission, and it is not necessarily pushing the burden. Uematsu thought that he was superior and the disabled people were inferior, but if you think carefully, you cannot say which is superior or you may be same as a disabled person due to illness or injury. It was a fiery and cruel affair caused by an unfortunate young man who was poorly imaginative and could only make one-way thinking. I think that we should make an opportunity to think about the importance of life that penetrates anyone's body irrespective of the appearance through this incident. お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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