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リードしほぼ勝負が決まったかに見えた。しかし仙台育英は2アウトからランナーを 出して1塁と2塁になったが次の打者が内野ゴロで万事休すと思われたがファーストの 足が離れたとしてセーフ、その後ヒットが出て2対1で仙台育英が逆転勝した。 大阪桐蔭の生徒は皆泣いていたが特に打たれた投手と足が離れた1塁手は泣くに泣け ない苦しい気持ちだったと思う。しかし何が起こるか分からないのが勝負の世界であ る。いつまでも自分のおかげで負けたと思うな。早く忘れて立ち直ってもらいたいと 思う。 Today's 4th match Osaka Toin and Sendai Ikuei's match seemed to have almost finished with Osaka Toin leading 1 to 0 until 9 back 2 outs. However, Sendai Ikuei took out runners from 2 out and became 1st and 2nd base, but it seemed that the next batter was going to be all out with infield grounder, although safe because the first baseman’s legs left from base, then a next batter hits and came out 2 to 1 Sendai Ikuei won the reverse. Every student in Osaka Toin was crying, but I think that the first baseman, with his legs away from base and the pitcher who was hit, were painful feeling that they could not cry because they missed. But it is the game world where you do not know what will happen. Never think forever your team was beaten by your mistake. Forget it quickly and get over it. お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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