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学校や県の精進を称えたい。練習方針は量より質を重視した練習で、限られた時間内 に成果をどのように出していくか常に考えながら練習してきたとのことである。時間 をだらだらとかけるのではなく集中して短時間で成果を出していく方法で日本一に なった。我々も学ばなくてはと思った。 They defeated the powerhouse from next to the next and won the first summer Koshien victory in Saitama prefecture. I would like to honor supervisors, athletes, schools and prefectures. Practice policy is practicing that emphasizes quality rather than quantity and has always practiced thinking about how to deliver results within a limited time. They practiced thinking about how to concentrate on producing results in a short time instead of drowning out time, and they became the best in Japan. I thought that we also had to learn. お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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