ここずっと忙しくて、久々に週に45時間とか働いて、更に家では家事やらおばあちゃんとの外出やらで全然時間が取れませんでした・・・。昨日から学校が再開し、仕事先も順調だし、新しい学校の先生もまぁ悪くはないので、特別最悪な状況ではなく、なんとか日々調節しながらやってます。まぁでも昨日、家で起きた出来事にものすごく腹が立ったので、書かせてください。非常識っていうかなんていうか・・・。ありえない。皆さんの意見も聞きたいところだけど、結局は愚痴となるので、読みたくない人は飛ばしてくださいな。っていうか、せっかくだから英語で書きます。。Well, first of all, I have to explain my situation. I livewith an elderly person and kind of look after her. I juststarted living with her couple of months ago. Before that,another Chinese girl had been living with the old lady.Well, let's call the old lady as Mary and the Chinese girlas Anne. Mary misses Anne a lot. The first 2 weeks after Anne left, Mary rang up Anne EVERY DAY. That's fine. Theyhave lived together for more than 2 years. I know they miss each other. No problem at all. But Mary still couldn'tstand not having Anne at home, and one day, she asked Anne to stay over at her home. That was fine. I knew that Mary liked me but still misses Anne. It's very hard for Mary, you know? That was fine. After that, Anne came here to stayover couple of times. I wasn't really happy about it becauseshe often comes late at night and Mary worries about it.Mary worries about everything. She is like...she makes upa terrible story in her mind and believes it. Oh, dear.Anyway, when I came home yesterday, Mary said to me thatAnne was comming here at that night and staying over. OK, I thought. But actually, I was sick yesterday. I wanted togo to bed very early. I knew that Anne is not gonna comebefore 22 o'clock. I wanted to go to bed before that.So, I said to Mary, "I'm sorry but I can't be awake and wait for her to come. I am sick so I'm gonna go to bed now. Sayhello to Anne, please." So I went to bed. After that, 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, the home phone rang,which is really noisy and woke me up, I knew that was fromAnne, she is always like that, unfortunately. I heard Maryanswered the phone. And few minutes later, I was stunned by what Mary did. She opened my door which she never didwhen I am asleep, and said to me, "Listen darling. I amso sorry to wake you up but this is very URGENT. Pleasetalk to Anne on the phone." You know I was sick, but Isaid, "OK." And I got out of the bed and forced myself tothe phone to talk to Anne. She explained her situation tome on the phone. What she said was like this; She urgently needs to use the internet. She has an onlinetest and she doesn't have the internet at home. The libraryat university will open 9 o'clock next morning and it's toolate. She has to take the test now otherwise she will fail the university. This is very important.OH MY GOD. What time do you think it is?! What the hell isgoing on?! I was so upset because she is always like this.She doesn't care about other people's life, really. But allwhat I could say was 'OK'. I couldn't say no. So I turnedon my computer and left it in a lounge with a letter becauseI didn't wanna be awake and wait for her to come. She knewI was sick and she still asked me this favour. I can't accept that. How rude is it? We know each other for only 2months. Mary and Anne know each other for more than 2 yearsbut that is totally different. I would have gone to aninternet cafe even if it's hard to find one in the middle of the night. Anyway, half an hour later, she rang the bellin front of the bell, which was noisy enough even thoughI was in the bed trying to sleep, and Mary opened the doorfor her and they started talking quietly. That was fine.After a while, Mary went to bed and I was stunned againby what happened next. Anne started using the bloody washingmachine in the middle of the night at 1 o'clock!! Can youbelieve that? I know that she has some troubles with usingthe washing machine at her home and often brings her laundry here to wash but how the hell can people be cheaky like this?Come in the middle of the night, wake people up, make lotsof noise and use the bloody washing machine in the middle ofthe night! I wouldn't do that, never, ever. Anyway, I'm not a good sleeper in that way. It takes me a while to fall asleep and once I get up, it takes time to go back to sleep again. Last night, she woke me up at 12 o'clock and I couldn't go back to sleep for more than 1 hour. I was sick, upset, it was noisy and terrible, you know? That was soooterrible.Anyway, I didn't see her in the morning because I got up early and went to school but she was still in the bed. But she came back at 21 o'clock tonight to pick up something.Well, I didn't wanna say anything but I didn't want her to continue this kind of behaviour. So kindly, I said to her,"I don't wanna say this kind of things but I have to tellyou. I told you that you can come here whenever you wantbut I didn't mean you can come late at night. As you know,if you come late, Mary worries about you. She doesn't wantyou to walk by yourself late at night. It's not good forher." Then...she didn't even say sorry but answered back,"I know that but what can I do?? Mary wants me to comeand stay over but I'm very busy. I'm a student and workingas well. I don't have time to come here during the day!What do you want me to do?! It's impossible! Then I willnever come here again!" Oh my god. And actually she saidit in front of Mary and she started to cry...gosh...I didn't say to her never come here again. I just said toher that she shouldn't come here late at night becausethat worries Mary a lot, so if she can't make it, she doesn't have to make it, she doesn't have to come hereall the way at night. Well, our conversation didn't gowell because both of us think like "I am right. She is wrong. She doesn't understand me." At the end of theconversation or I could say argument, I said to her,"I think we need some time to think about this problem.We have different opinions and views. Now we are a bitemotional so we can't respect each other's opinions.Probably we should think about it on our own time, notnow. Otherwise this goes nowhere." She didn't even agreeto this opinion. She said to me, "No, you just have toknow people more. I know about Mary more than you do.I know about her. And you don't know." O-H-M-Y-G-O-D.She even said to me, "You know what? I'm older than you.You are not mature enough. You have to learn more things.You have to get to know people more." Well, that waspartly true. I have to know about Mary more but I've beenhere for only 2 months and I'm still on the way. And how the hell she can say she is mature? Is this person mature even if she troubles everybody? I don't think so at all. I didn't say anything to this her opinion because the wayshe talked was like, what she is saying is 120% right. Gosh. This is terrible. At last, she went mad and kind of screamedat us and went home, which made Mary worrying a lot again. Terrible. Anyway, I should go to sleep now. Good night.