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いいね! --/--
Aug 19, 2006
カテゴリ:Overseas Travel

2006.8.6 (The eleventh day -2-)

When I woke up, it was cloudy. So, we decided to put off our one-day trip again. Instead of that, we went to a nearby fish market and had some seafood for lunch. My husband said again and again, “The oysters are the most delicious ones I have ever eaten.” I don’t like oysters very much, but I tried one of them. It was excellent. How could we know it was the start of a nightmare? Soon after we arrived at my husband’s place, I got a stomach upset. It was getting worse and worse. Around five o’clock, I started throwing up… I couldn’t take in anything, even either water or medicine.

About two hours later, my husband called my insurance company’s medical help line and we headed for the designated hospital. I hadn’t experienced such terrible food poisoning, but I still had some composure of mind; I said to myself, “Enjoy any unexpected things!” Although I couldn’t walk as usual, I tried to look closely at everything I saw in the hospital in order to know what it was like because I thought it was a once-in-a lifetime opportunity for me to visit a hospital in another country. I ended up being kept on intravenous drips for more than two hours. Both the doctor and nurse who took care of me were Japanese women; their way of working impressed me a great deal; they not only worked as care givers efficently but also they expressed their sympathy for me, saying,“Poor thing! I have experienced the same symptom, so I know how badly you are suffering…” Also, my husband watched me as I was on an intravenous drip. Their tenderness relieved my suffering…


Last updated  Oct 2, 2021 09:46:40 PM
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