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いいね! --/--
Oct 1, 2006
カテゴリ:From Lessons

I submitted the assignment of the short summer course just before the deadline. I had chosen the topic “The Cheapest Way for a Japanese Family to Bring up Their Child to Be a Japanese/English Bilingual” because I had read the book “+(プラス)えいごで はなまる子育て”. The professor promptly corrected my essay and gave me some comments.

He shared his family’s experience with me; he is English and his wife is Japanese and they are blessed with a daughter and a son. At the end, he wrote: Contrary to what some people think, children can easily handle two languages and soon learn to separate them, so I would like encourage any parent to do as Mrs. Morifuji did. He also referred to a very successful all-Japanese mother-and child English group he knows of; it has the children doing all sorts of fun activities in English without being too “教育ママ-ish”.

What was more, he sent a free copy of a textbook he wrote and the cassette to me. It was so kind of him! I’ve been enjoying reading the textbook and listening to the cassette at the same time.


Last updated  Oct 2, 2006 11:13:18 PM
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