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Nov 7, 2006

A Summary of an Article Titled "An Immature Society without Adults " (「大人いない幼稚な社会」 日本経済新聞11月2日夕刊)

Prof. Kiyokazu Wasida says, “Ironically, in a mature society, we can survive even though we are immature. We have sought an affluent and convenient society. Now, we have entrusted almost everything to various systems such as hospitals, schools, catering industry and so on. As a result, we have lost the ability to take care of our own lives. Even though those who are competent in their field, they are still children in total humanity. I can say we have lived in a society without adults.”

He emphasizes, “Adults can sort out their priorities and make proper judgments. There are few problems which have only one solution. We have lived while being surrounded by the following three kinds of problems; some have more than one answer; some are the problems we can’t solve immediately because of uncertainties; others are the problem we, human beings, can’t solve forever. Although our society requires prompt solutions, it is important for us to face what we can’t understand as it is and take plenty of time to reflect what to do. Modern amenities have given us the delusion that we can solve any problems and then we have lost even the ability to deliberate and judge. That is why modern people look childish.”

He adds, “Adults accept irrational things, not trying to understand everything and wise up. As for education, now, we tend to try to mold children into who we think they should be; on the other hand, in old days, people took account of each child’s nature. In order to make the most of their nature, ‘it is important to wait.’ The true sense of waiting is forgetting we are waiting. The former mothers knew when their children rebelled, there was no use saying anything to them and started working. Meanwhile, the mothers forgot that they were waiting. As time went on, the relationship could change; others’ remarks could bring new developments. It is important for us to open our mind to accept any chances.”

(347 words)


Last updated  Oct 2, 2021 10:26:55 PM
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