昨日、アメリカ人の友人と黒澤明の映画「生きる」をDVDで観た後、ペルー料理のレストランで夕食を食べた。そこで「生きる」の話題になったときに、お互いの意見が合わなかった点があった。普通なら「へー、そういう視点で考えるんだ」で終わるのだが、今回は私の映画のテーマに対する思い入れがかなり強かったせいもあり、彼に説明しているうちに涙が止まらなくなってしまう。レストランの真ん中の席で涙をぼろぼろ流されたら、さすがに友人も不愉快な気分になっただろう。以下、友人に書いたメール。何で「生きる」が自分の心の琴線にこれほどまで触れるのか、なぜこの映画を観ると、いや、「リーダーシップの旅」に紹介されている文章を読むだけで涙が出てくるのか、伝えたかった。I wanted to apologize for my attitude in the restaurant on Sunday night.I was still carrying the emotion from the movie, and anything relatedto that movie could well up tears in my eyes. I get quite emotionaltowards touching movies that deal with one's life, especially, how aperson chooses to live his life.My passion lies in finding potentials in people and helping themrealize their full potentials. So, when I see people realize theirpotentials and live their life to full, especially after their midlife, I feel really moved.The life is really short. 80 years is nothing in the history ofuniverse. In this short amount of time, we live day by day, gettingcloser and closer to death every day. But we never think about deathunless we become sick. We think that days like this will continueforever, and forget that everything has an end to it. We can only liveonce, and that's it.When I think about this, and think how many years are left in my life,and how I want to live my life, the scene comes to my mind where theman (Tao in the movie) was riding a swing in the park he devoted hislast moment of his life. When he was faced with death, he stood faceto face with and reflected on how he wanted to live his remaininglife. What he wanted to see was the park where kids can play evenafter the rain, and himself watching them from the corner of the park.He did not care for the promotion or the public recognition. Facingthe death, he reflected on what it means for him to "live" and decidedto start a journey of leadership for himself. It was a short journey,but he lived a satisfying life.When I see those people realizing their great potential, even justbefore their death, and fulfilling their life until the last moment, Icannot stop tears. (As I write this, tears are already falling on mycheeks...just uncontrollable)Whether the park is big or small does not matter at this stage. Afterall, what we consider our accomplishments are all very minor in thecontext of history anyway.I wanted to explain what was going through my mind when I was watchingmovie and in the restaurant. I could not explain it fully at thattime.I was not upset at your comments. Even if you have differentperspectives from mine, that's ok because we are all different. Itwould be nice to sometimes talk about our views, values, how we wantto live our lives, what matters most to us, which movies moved ouremotion and why, etc. When you asked me "I thought you knew mebetter", I realized I didn't know much about your values or how youwanted to live your life. We seldom talk about these things, but Ithink they are important for understanding each other.But in any case, I should not have cried in the restaurant and madeyou feel awkward. Sorry about that.