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April 26, 2006
カテゴリ:□ ヘルス

Hormone therapy

女性のホルモンバランスに♪更年期障害命の母A420錠米国のWomen's Health Initiative (WHI)ウィメンズ・ヘルス・イニシアティブによる新研究によれば、エストロゲン単独療法では子宮切除手術を受けた閉経後女性の乳癌発症リスクは増加しないと、April 12 issueのJAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association)に掲載されていた。



今回の研究結果はエストロゲン単独療法中の女性には朗報ですが、Estrogen/progesterone therapy (EPT)併用療法の女性には確答しないようです。

これまでに、乳癌だけでなく血栓、脳卒中および心臓発作等(下記参考)の危険性が示されていますので、女性ホルモン充填療法の有益性および危険性、治療期間とうを医師とよく相談する必要がある、そしてまめにmammogramsマンモグラム breast biopsies 乳房生検 をと専門家は述べている。

●大腸癌(Colon cancer): The WHI showed that colon canceris probably prevented by estrogen/progesterone therapy (EPT), but maybe not by estrogen therapy , in otherwise healthy women.

●股関節骨折(hip fracture)In generally healthy women. Both estrogen therapy and estrogen/progesterone therapy appear to decrease the risk of hip fracture and vertebral (spine) fracture. In WHI, CEE/MPA therapy decreased the risk of hip fracture by about 30% and decreased total risk of fracture (all types combined) by about 25%. Hip and vertebral fracture risks were each reduced about 40% in the women taking CEE alone in WHI.

●乳癌(Breast cancer) The WHI also confirmed what we already suspected, that use of estrogen/progesterone therapy (combined CEE/MPA), but not estrogen therapy (CEE alone) increases the risk of breast cancer. As was already suspected, the increased risk of breast cancer with estrogen/progesterone therapy was only noted after about 4-5 years of use.

●心疾患(Heart disease): In WHI, estrogen/progesterone therapy raised the risk of coronary heart disease, whereas estrogen therapy probably did not noticeably affect coronary heart disease risk compared to a placebo pill.

●脳卒中(Stroke ): In WHI, estrogen/progesterone therapy (CEE/MPA) appeared to be associated with increased risk of stroke, whereas estrogen therapy (CEE alone) may not have noticeably increased stroke risk.

●血栓-Blood clots in the lungs (pulmonary emboli) and leg veins: Blood clots in the lungs and blood clots in the leg veins were each noted more frequently in both the estrogen therapy (CEE alone) and estrogen/progesterone therapy (CEE/MPA) groups, although estrogen/progesterone therapy use seemed to be more strongly linked with increased risk than estrogen therapy use.

●子宮癌(Uterine cancer): CEE/MPA combination therapy did not increase the risk of uterine cancer (which is proof that the progesterone MPA was doing it's job of protecting the uterus from the potential harm of estrogen). It did not alter the general overall risk for cancer as a whole. It did not alter the risk of death due to other causes.

NCI(National Cancer Institute) 米国国立癌研究所

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Last updated  April 26, 2006 10:42:52 PM
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