私の感想を交えて書くと又ゴチャゴチャになるので、許可を頂いて載せるメール(事実)のみ、さらっと行こうと思います:)! まずはこちらから。 そして、結構前に頂いたメールです。 Hi Mei. I really hope you are well. You know, there are a lot of things crossing in my mind right now, like.... what kind of conclusion do you want to hear, I guess the stuff you already said last time? I mean what you asked me to do? (※『離婚届送って』の事だと思います・・・笑) I am sorry if I was rude in our last conversation. At the time I felt you were pushing me to break up with you so I said something like that. I said not because I did not have any feeling to you any more but because of your complains and lack of trust. really I have been thinking over and over why did you said that to me... Then you were very persistent on ask me where I live and "with who", Are you really thinking that I live with a girl or that I have another girlfriend? How come you wanted to talk with my room mate, didn't you trust me? please don't turn out what you feel on me. If you really thought I am having an affair, you should come anytime without telling me and watch me down where I go, what I do and with who. I have friends both males and females. The reason why I live with 2 room mates (males) - It is very uncomfortable and you know that- is just to save money, living by myself and paying whole rent doesn't make sense for me. I thought you would be delighted when you learned I bought a car for you, but on the contrary you weren't happy totally. You didn't hear it well and just complained mixing this subject and another even after I told you "OK I will sell it if you don't want it" If you ask me do I love you, I say yes I do. I still do. There were no more important person than you and if possible, I would like to take you back here, why? because I really love you, respect you , I really like your mom,dad, sister and even Cappy. I will never forget how nice and gently they treated me every time I visited your house and how they took care of me when I was sick. I am always thankful to them. I am sure that you are right in many of your opinions about the car and others, but remember we are from two different cultures. Sometimes what is right for me isn't right for you, I also declare myself guilty in that matter because we didn't talk often then I didn't let you know about removal or else. I am sorry. Do you want to come? yes you can come any time but if you come you had better be willing to work hard with me to rescue our relationship with understanding, tolerance, comprehension and love, I am wishing the best for us, we also have to take actions of what we planned. This time more aggressively. If you come, I would like to take you to somewhere, maybe to Las Vegas. But if you won't have such a long time or the weather won't permit, it will be also fine to stay here in Vancouver. There could be plenty of time for us to go there or else in our future. Are you with me? I hope so; Otherwise I think you had better stay in Japan and save your money. it will be less stressful for both of us. looking forward to your reply... ちょっとだけ。 それまで現住所を教えてくれず、彼が日本に来ると頑張っていましたが、とうとう観念した様子。関係修復の気がないなら、来ない方が良いともあります。 彼の気持は良く分かるし、内容の多くは全くその通りだと思いました。 ただ “文化違っても車は買わんだろう” ツッコミ入れちゃうのは、Meiが世間知らずだから(爆)? 続きます。 大阪のヨウイチとハルカから、誕生日のカードが届きました:D! 先日の日記を読んだヨウイチが、【BC州・大人の隠れ家ホテル】小冊子まで同封!! 私の泊まりたいホテル満載です!!! さすがカナダ系旅行会社の大阪所長~~♪ ありがと~~:D:D♪♪ きっと来年は ホテル宿泊券を贈ってくれるに違いありません。 気の利くヨウイチとハルカの事、 航空券まで付けてくれちゃうんだろうな・・・(涙)。 Mei お気に入りの記事を「いいね!」で応援しよう
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