というわけで…4月5日(金)はカリビアンマーケットへ。サイトより。【Our Babes to Kids and Maternity Market is held on the first Friday of every month. On the 5th of April there will be plenty of activities, free train, boat and chairlift rides (between 9 and 11am) and free face painting. You can buy anything from new or pre loved baby to kids clothing and maternity wear, toys, cots, prams, change tables, bibs, blankets and all types of accessories. With free entry and free parking, The Caribbean Gardens and Market offers a perfect day out for the whole family.】トレインライドやボートなんかも無料、もちろん入場料も。おやつやランチ持って行けばタダで楽しめちゃいます。でも私とお友達のブースに寄ってもらえたら嬉しいですwww