My friends were very good so I could go to "Karaoke" many time.I didn't care about "tone deaf"If I mind, I can't go there.After about one year my friend said me "you had become to sing well."___What a happy words!!!I was really glad to hear that.Actually, I had practiced to sing songs.I had recorded my voice and I had compared with original songs.I could get 60-70 for 100 around that day.After that I practiced and practiced to sing.But my scores never up to 80.......And after I became a university student, something bad happened again. 俺の友達はすごくいいやつたちだったので、音痴を気にすることなくカラオケに何度も行くことができた。もし俺が音痴を気にしてたら、カラオケなんて絶対いけない。。。たぶん一年ぐらいしたころかな。「うた、うまくなったね。」と友達が言ってくれた!なんてうれしいことを(泣)俺はものすごく舞い上がってしまった(笑)確かに、俺は極秘に練習を重ねていた。自分の歌声を録音してCDと比べてた。そのころには、100点中60-70点くらいは取れるようになってたしね。その後、俺はさらに練習を重ねたんだけど結局80点には届かなかった。さぁ、いよいよ大学生。またまた俺にとって大変なことがおきました。うーん、英語を書いてから日本語を書くと俺の言葉に直すのが難しい。ーした。とか、しました。とかになってまう。。。日本語と英語のスキルの差なんかなぁ。誰かいいアイディアないですかね(泣)☆today☆I ate chips yester day.Actually, I had ate many times that wasn't first time.I have to say chips in England are better than in Japan!!It's just my opinion but I'm sure.Big potion, big piece, many solt(wI like them.My host family in London, they often cooked chips for us.But now, I can't eat at home.They don't like chips.....I can eat it just at school.I often eat it at lunch time!!!what a good food!投票☆コメント。恩に着ます♪