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happy time@ お久しぶりです~~♪ 今週平日は3泊4日で北海道へプチ旅行し…
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休暇で ゆっくりしたら昨日は動き出すのが大変で、人間は働くように出来ている、動くように出来ていると つくづく思いました。

人に全部して貰って ビーチの木陰に寝っころがって 本を読みながらカクテルでも飲んでいたいなぁ~、と思うけど それは休暇だから楽しいのであって、毎日していたら、アッと言う間に何にも出来ない人になっていくのだろうな、、、

さて今日の本題は、 幸せになる秘訣、、、



不幸な事柄は 殆ど総ての人が不幸と感じるので、確定し易いが、

幸せは生活の基本ーー安全な家と環境、良好な健康状態、まぁまぁの収入ーーを持った後は、それぞれの個人により可なり違うので それ以上の幸せを得る秘訣を一般化するのは とても難しい。

それでも 下に書いてあるように 一日の終わりに 3つの良かった事を思い出し どうしてかを分析し続けると、幸せが増して行く。

幸せを感じた事を思い出す事で、一日の中の小さな幸せを見落とさなくなるし、自分にとって何が幸せと感じるのか 確認できる。





休暇中は 楽しかった事を上げるのは楽だったけど、休みが終わってルーティーンの日々が返ってきたら、楽しかった事を見つけるのが 一寸難しくなった。だいたい休暇の終わった初めの日なんて、あ~ぁ、終わっちゃった!!感の方が強いし、、

それでも夜 無理に幸せな事を思い出そうとしたら、まぁまぁ あった。家族に気兼ねなく自分のペースで色々出来たし、、

でも ちゃんと書き出せるためには ボーとしてたら駄目だな、幸せの時は意識して捕らえないと!と思ったら 記事の真実性が増してきた。

記事によると、長期に渡る幸せの追求に役立つ とあるけど なるほどな、と感じ ここに来る人達にも知らせてあげたいな、皆で一緒に 幸せを追求しましょ~と思った。




Every night, she was to think of three good things that happened that day and analyze why they occurred. That was supposed to increase her overall happiness.

A second approach that has shown promise in Seligman's group has people discover their personal strengths through a specialized questionnaire and choose the five most prominent ones. Then, every day for a week, they are to apply one or more of their strengths in a new way.

Strengths include things like the ability to find humor or summon enthusiasm, appreciation of beauty, curiosity and love of learning. The idea of the exercise is that using one's major "signature" strengths may be a good way to get engaged in satisfying activities.

Another approach under study now is having people work on savoring the pleasing things in their lives like a warm shower or a good breakfast, Parks said. Yet another promising approach is having people write down what they want to be remembered for, to help them bring their daily activities in line with what's really important to them, she said.

Lyubomirsky, meanwhile, is testing some other simple strategies. "This is not rocket science," she said.

For example, in one experiment, participants were asked to regularly practice random acts of kindness, things like holding a door open for a stranger or doing a roommate's dishes, for 10 weeks. The idea was to improve a person's self-image and promote good interactions with other people.

Participants who performed a variety of acts, rather than repeating the same ones, showed an increase in happiness even a month after the experiment was concluded. Those who kept on doing the acts on their own did better than those who didn't.

Other approaches she has found some preliminary promise for include thinking about the happiest day in your life over and over again, without analyzing it, and writing about how you'll be 10 years from now, assuming everything goes just right.

Some strategies appear to work better for some people than others, so it's important to get the right fit, she said.

But it'll take more work to see just how long the happiness boost from all these interventions actually lasts, with studies tracking people for many months or years, Lyubomirsky said.

Any long-term effect will probably depend on people continuing to work at it, just as folks who move to southern California can lose their appreciation of the ocean and weather unless they pursue activities that highlight those natural benefits, she said.

In fact, Diener says, happiness probably is really about work and striving.

"Happiness is the process, not the place," he said via e-mail. "So many of us think that when we get everything just right, and obtain certain goals and circumstances, everything will be in place and we will be happy.... But once we get everything in place, we still need new goals and activities. The Princess could not just stop when she got the Prince."


Last updated  2006.11.29 11:05:59
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