臓器移植に関するミステリーを読んだ事があった。移植を受けた人が 移植提供者の性格に変わって行くという、臓器移植は魂も移植していくのであろうか、という問題を投げかけた 不思議な本だった。そしたら、今日それが事実となってネット記事として乗っていたのでビックリ仰天してしまった。(このネットがゴシップ系新聞なのか真摯のものかは知りませんので、宜しく~)47歳のシングルマザーが1988年 アメリカで初の肺、心臓同時移植を行い、その手術後から彼女の食べ物の嗜好、性格、歩き方まで変わってしまったそうだ。彼女はドナーの夢を見て 終局的にはドナーの家族と面会するという劇的な記事だった。肺、心臓同時移植は 患者の会があり、年に一回全米の患者が集まってお祝いをする。その時クリスチャンバンドで招かれて2回ほど演奏したことがあったので、尚更気になった。記事の一部とアドレスは下です、、、http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/health/healthmain.html?in_article_id=558256&in_page_id=1774Yesterday, the Mail told the extraordinary story of how a heart transplant recipient in America committed suicide - just like the man whose heart he had received 12 years previously. In another extraordinary twist, it emerged that the recipient had also married the donor's former wife.So can elements of a person's character - or even their soul - be transplanted along with a heart?One woman who believes this to be the case is CLAIRE SYLVIA, a divorced mother of one.She was 47 and dying from a disease called primary pulmonary hypertension when, in 1988, she had a pioneering heartlung transplant in America.She was given the organs of an 18-year-old boy who had been killed in a motorcycle accident near his home in Maine.Claire, a former professional dancer, then made an astonishing discovery: she seemed to be acquiring the characteristics, and cravings, of the donor.Here, in an extract from her book A Change Of Heart, Claire tells her remarkable story...During my final lucid moments before my heart-lung transplant, I was told that a medical team would soon be leaving to "harvest" the organs that would save my life.My surgeon, Mr John Baldwin, would remain with me, ready to begin the operation as soon as he was notified that the donor's heart and lungs had been removed. But by this time I was far too groggy to focus on these details, which was probably just as well.