☆ 2/24 朝の英語ニュース見出し
[Taiheiyo Cement to shut down 3 plants]
[Businesses make demand on anti-global warming bill]
[Honma Golf to become Chinese group affiliate]
[Maehara raps Toyota over recall]
[Gov't economic analysis generally positive]
[Japan to send lithium delegation to Bolivia]
[Diet deliberations start on child allowance bill]
Here're riddles(英語の特性を利用した riddle (なぞなぞ)です:Just for FUN.
1) What flower is on your face? (☆noseではありませんよ)
2)Which cow has more legs, a cow or no cow?
☆Email your answers to me. [ken]
2010年02月24日 06時05分57秒
[★Headline News (Updated)] カテゴリの最新記事